Page 60 of Savage Heart

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Mel walks in, a huge smile on her face. “Did you do your exercises without me?”

“Mom watched.”

“For about five seconds. Were you supposed to have supervision?”

Tobias walks back to his bed and sits on it. “I did have supervision. They left, and I kept going for a bit.”

“Were you supposed to?” I ask, hands on my hips.

“Yes. It’s all about recovery.”

Mel moves to stand near him, and he reaches out to touch her. “You’re doing great. Don’t overdo it.”

He flicks his head in my direction. “Now you sound like her.”

Mel laughs. “Maybe that’s not such a bad thing.”

He lets her go and positions himself back in bed. “I wasn’t expecting you to come in today. I thought you had to work?”

“Good unexpected or bad unexpected?” Mel asks.

“Good unexpected,” he assures her. “Definitely good.”

Mel sits in the chair nearest his bed, and he again reaches for her, and they hold hands. It’s a small gesture, but it’s so intimate, and I feel as though I’m intruding on their time together.

“I should go.”

Tobias’ head swivels in my direction. “You just got here.”

“Yeah, but I have stuff to do.”

Tobias holds up their joined hands. “Mom, you’re not interrupting anything. I’m in a hospital, for God’s sake.”

“Tobias!” Mel shrieks.

Laughing, I pull out a chair and sit. “Fine, I’ll stay for a while.”

Mel stands, her face a pretty shade of red. “I need a soda. Do either of you want anything?”

“Coffee, black,” I say.

“Something sweet? A cake or a brownie or a cookie?”

Mel nods. “I’ll be back in a minute.”

When she’s out of the room, I say, “What happened to… my body is my temple and all that crap?”

“You try surviving on hospital food.” Tobias chuckles.

It’s good to see he hasn’t lost his sense of humor. “Want me to bring you in a home-cooked meal?”

He raises an eyebrow. “How? When you’re staying in a motel? Why didn’t you stay at my place?”

“Because it’s your place, and you weren’t awake to ask.”

“My home is your home, Mom. You never need to ask.”

“The motel is fine, and it’s closer than your apartment.”
