Page 61 of Savage Heart

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“My apartment is free.”

“I’ll think about it.”

He closes his eye and rests his head back. “How’s Dirt?”

“Are you tired?”

He shakes his head but doesn’t open his eye. “Sometimes it throbs a little. Closing my eyes…” he pauses, “… eye… helps. And how’s Dirt?”

“Have you told the doctor? Do you need me to call someone?”

Tobias rolls his head to the side and looks at me. “No and no. Now answer my question.”

“He’s good.”

“Rumor has it you two are reconnecting.” He makes air quotes with his fingers.

“Who told you that?”

“Mom, Tourmaline is a small town, and a couple of the girls who work for me told me.”

“When did you see them?”

He rolls his one good eye to the ceiling and says, “They come in late after their shifts. Apparently, you told everyone to stay away. They make sure no one is here and visit. The nurses let them in, even if it’s two in the morning.”

“You should be sleeping.”

“I’ve worked nights for years, Mom. Sleeping through the day is my normal.”

Frowning, I admit, “I hadn’t thought of that.”

“It’s cool. They all think you’re a bitch.” He closes his eye and smiles. “Of course, I told them you’re not.”

“Why don’t I believe you?”

He chuckles and holds up his hands in surrender. “So, Dirt?”

Sighing, I lean back in the chair. “The reason we split up years ago was because of the MC, and he’s still in the MC. I can’t see us working out.”

“You really like him, don’t you?”

Looking down at my hands, I say, “Yeah. He’s the one who got away. But I can’t be worried every time he goes out on a ride with them. It’s no way to live.”

“The MC isn’t what it used to be.”

Scoffing, I say, “Now you sound like Dane.”

“Why do you think I got involved with them in the first place? Dane is forcing change upon them, and he’s pulled them out of a lot of shit. They aren’t what you remember.” Not wanting to argue with him, I remain silent. Tobias looks at me. “Do you care for him?”

“Yes,” I answer honestly.

He smiles. “Years ago, a woman I know gave me some words of wisdom. She told me to always follow my heart and do the right thing.”

I laugh. “Do not throw my half-assed psychiatry at me.”

“It’s good advice.”

“He lives here, and I live in Willowbrook Falls. It can’t work.”
