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Eventually it was time to come back down to reality. Lara had this awesome dress that had been made just for her, and it was time to plan the rest of the ceremony. I wanted to get married to Lara as quickly as I could. I didn’t know why, but there was definitely a part of me that worried about her changing her mind. It was the worst scenario that I could play in my head. I hated the idea of it.

We invited all of our old friends and the new ones in our life as well. I had a unit that was invited, but half of them were out on a mission. Lara had a few friends coming in from France, but neither one of us were interested in who all was coming. I knew that my main focus was on Lara, keeping her happy, and getting her down the aisle to say “I do”. That was the mission.

It was a good time and everything in me said that we were finally going about it the way that we were supposed to. Lara looked happy, I was happy, and the people around us were gathering to celebrate in our happiness. There was no way that anything could be more perfect than it was now. I shied away from the word perfect, but that was exactly how it felt. It was something not seen before, and the elusiveness made it seem less permanent.

Lara and I didn’t get to spend as much time together as it started to get busy. She had several people who were in from France that she went out with, and I had my friends in from the unit. It was good to see them, but at the same time, I wanted to spend more time with my soon to be wife. I couldn’t believe that it wouldn’t be long at all before we were tied together for life. It sounded good, really good, and before I could really figure anything else out, the day of the wedding was upon us. We hadn’t left much time to get ready once we realized that was what we needed to do.

Lara stayed the night with her sister and her mom. I was sure that it wasn’t going to be that bad to wait, but I was wrong. The short amount of time that we had been apart felt like an eternity, and I was ready to get her back in my arms.

I tried to sneak over there and see Lara, but I was stopped by her dad. He had come out of the blue and though I thought he was going to let me through, that wasn’t what happened at all. Instead, I got a dirty look, and I was told that Lara said I would show up and I was to be turned away.

That sounded about right, and I called to Lara from the door. I was ignored and the door was shut. I just needed to see her for a moment. It had been too long since we’d been apart. I didn’t want to focus on anything else at this moment, nothing else would do.

I was left to my own devices, and the guys from my unit were at least there to keep me company. Many of them had helped me secure her a while back when she was kidnapped. I owed them and I wished that I was still serving with them, because then I would be able to find a way to make it all work out. I didn’t know what was going to happen next, but I was hopeful that there would be a chance for me to pay them all back. Every moment that I spent with Lara was borrowed.

When the time finally came, I was more than ready to get the ceremony over with. It was going to have a lot of people from Lara’s family. My family was spread thin and didn’t get along, so it was easier for me to not have any of them there. Lara tried to push the subject, but she knew when to let it go.

The night was clear and it felt like nothing was going to go wrong. I had a good feeling about everything, but Lara looked unsure when she was going down the aisle. Everyone was there, watching her, and she was beautiful. I could see that something was wrong though. Her head was down and when our eyes met, I could see that something was bothering her.

“What is it?”

We were in the front with the priest, and she looked at me like I’d lost my mind.

“What?” She wanted to know. Lara talked in a whisper. She did not want to have everyone hearing our conversation. We were in the middle of getting married. Even the priest doing the service was giving me a look. I just wanted to know what was going on with her. I really didn’t care if anyone else heard us or had to wait. This was our day and I wanted to make sure that Lara was okay.

“Are you alright?”

Lara gave me a look like I was crazy. “We are about to get married, Nicholas. What are you doing?”

Everyone was looking at us and I guess it was then that I realized I looked like an idiot. I didn’t know what I was thinking, but I was brought back to reality. She told me that everything was going to be fine, if I just got on with it.

The ceremony went through without another hitch. I shut my mouth and that was helpful. I tried my best to ignore the way her expression changed when we were married. Was she as nervous about it as I had been?

Relief washed over us both, and I was finally able to get her back into my arms. The ceremony led right into the reception that was being held down the hall. Lara put this sexy little number on, and I was sure that it was going to be the last thing that I needed to see. She was so damn beautiful, and I couldn’t keep my hands off of her.

Lara noticed and wanted to know what was going on with me. “You made me wait all night,” I told her.

She scoffed and said that I had barely had to wait at all. I didn’t know why she made it seem like it was no big deal. I was dying for her and now that she was my wife, I wanted her right here and now. I could tell she wasn’t down for it, but I certainly was.

After a minute, I asked her if she wanted to come with me.


I shrugged and told her that I wasn’t sure. I just wanted us to be together, so I was sure that we could find a place to hide away. We were supposed to be here for another couple of hours. We had a plane to catch and though she didn’t know where we were going, I wanted to get out of here now.

Lara finally came along with me when I tried to find a small, hidden place where we could be together. I knew that she wanted it just as badly as I did. The coat closet was empty and off a bit so that we didn’t have to worry about someone coming along. Lara had this devilish look on her face.

“You are horrible.”

I agreed that I was, but that didn’t mean that we weren’t going to have a good time over it either. I was sure that all we needed was a bit of space, nothing else mattered. It wasn’t like we needed a bed or anything like that.

I kissed her feverishly and before too long, both of us were ready to get to the next part of the evening. I could feel her hands on me and then I had her lifted up and in my arms. She clung to me for a moment, before I slid her down on top of me. We both made the perfect sound of desire. I felt so good. I didn’t think I was ever going to feel this good again. Lara made me forget everything but her. For a short time, it was just the two of us. Until someone went to get their jacket…



Nicholas wouldn’t tell me where we were going. I knew that it was going to be somewhere for our honeymoon, but I had no idea where. He was keeping it a secret and even when we were boarding the flight, I was left in the dark. It was only when we were taking off and we were listening to the flight attendant that I realized that we were going to Paris. I didn’t know what that meant, but it was becoming clear that Nicholas had a different sort of honeymoon in mind. Why would he go there of all places? It didn’t make any sense and I didn’t want to be there. Anywhere but there.
