Page 33 of Beyond Fate

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“I know it doesn’t make sense.”

I felt his lips curve into a smile. “It really, really doesn’t.”

“I guess… I guess it doesn’t have to right now. None of it.” The words came unbidden, but was true. We could figure out how to keep both of us alive, and we’d worry about the rest of it later. The dreams, the distinct possibility that we'd known each other in some other life, some other time… all of it. We could figure it out.

I still wanted answers, but just the small glimpse of pain on his face told me he didn’t want this life, and I was done prying until he was free.

He didn’t want what his father was offering him.

I wondered if I came clean, would he just tell me where the man was? That would make things so much easier, wouldn’t it? I could go take care of the problem for both of us, and then…

Then what? We could run away together? I had a job.

I had a life.

I couldn’t just lean into him when he lifted his head and kissed me again. And I definitely couldn’t let him lead me to the bed and pull me on top of him. The low grunt that escaped him was probably the only thing that stopped me.

“No. We already did more than we should have. You need another round of medication before you even think about…” I trailed off, and my eyes helplessly glanced down at the open collar of his dress shirt, the curl of his tattoos and the sweep of his throat. “Before we even think about doing anything again.”

I didn’t want to, but I pushed myself off the bed with a small frown. “I’ll go grab the rest of the bags out of the car.”

“I should —”

“No. I can do it.” I narrowed my eyes in his direction and lifted my hand. “I need some air before I forget that I’m supposed to behave around…” My fingers wiggled. “All of that.”

When Jayce smiled, I felt my heart nearly skip a beat.

“I’ll order us food while you’re gone.”

It felt so… domestic. I should have hated it. I should have stepped out of the room and called my boss, told him I had Jayce Holden isolated, his tracker scrambled, and we’d be able to get any information we needed. Instead, I closed the door and pressed my shoulders against it. I couldn’t fight the tremble that rocked through my body, or the strange urge I had to turn around and walk back into the room, to tell him everything so we could work out a plan for us…

For both of us. There had to be a way I could keep him safe and keep my job.

My phone vibrated in my pocket just as I pushed myself away from the door, and I nearly ignored it. I wanted to ignore it.

But that would be suspicious. I did wait until I was back at the car before I answered.

“I still have two weeks.”

At least me being a smartass wasn’t actually off for me. I did that sometimes, especially when I was interrupted after I’d already been given a time frame.

“Plans have changed.”

“Listen, John.” I let his fake name drip with as much sarcasm as I could. “I’m working an angle here. I can get the information we need and finish the job.”

“Clay, we’re past that. I told Connor about Marcus Holden’s kid —” I should have never mentioned Jayce. “He wants to meet him face to face. You need to bring him in.”

Like hell I did.

“What, you’re pulling me off the assignment?” At least I sounded as incredulous as I felt.

“No… we’re just changing the parameters. Trust me, when it’s time to put a bullet in Holden’s head, we’ll let you do it.”

I noticed that he didn’t mention which Holden.

“I could have Marcus dead today.” It was a bold lie, but…

“No. Connor really wants to meet this… Jayce. Bring him in today, or we’ll come get you both. Understood? You’re still armed even though you left your home base, correct?”
