Page 34 of Beyond Fate

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“Of course.”

I guess scrambling my tracking chip didn’t do much when I still had the fucking company phone. I hadn’t realized I should have ditched it until now.

“Fine. I’ll bring him in. Just let me handle it. Okay?”

“Good. We’ll see you tonight.”

He hung up before I had a chance to say anything else, and I threw my phone onto the ground, watching as it shattered from my irritation.

Too little, too late. And now I had to figure out what to do with Jayce.

Chapter 14


“We should go.” The words flew from Clay’s lips as soon as the door opened.

Something had changed. From the time he’d left the room to when he came back, something was off about the way Clay was acting. Maybe I wouldn’t have noticed it if I hadn’t been watching him for as long as I had — maybe I would have, because he was apparently a really shitty actor.

“We should go.” He said it for the second time, glancing around the room. “I think we should keep driving.” His gaze dropped to his hands and clenched his fingers. “I might know a place we could head to.”

When he looked up at me from beneath his curls, that strange expression was still on his face. I couldn’t read it.

I didn’t understand it.

But I’d seen it before, in my dreams.

“Clay… what’s going on?” Maybe I could have been a little smoother about it. Maybe I should have been a little more tactful, but I didn’t have it in me. I stood from the bed and cupped his jaw. “Look at me.”

“I’m just worried.” He said it too fast.

“You’re a shit liar.”

“Not usually.” He did look up at me then, and there was a whole world behind his eyes I didn’t understand. It only bothered me because he wasn’t telling me.

“What’s wrong?” I said it again instead of outright asking him what I really wanted to know. What happened when he stepped outside? Had he seen someone? Did someone hurt him?

I didn’t realize my fingers on his face had tightened until he let out a small sound. I dropped my arm, but he caught my hand before it hit my side.

“I’m just worried. I’m afraid. I don’t feel safe here.” He said the words with more insistence this time, but I could still almost smell the lies clinging to his breath, making his words too honeyed. Too sweet. It dripped saccharine bullshit, and I couldn’t take it.

“Clayton.” I threaded my fingers through his curls and forced his head back, forced him to look at me. His eyes were just a little too wide, and his lip was trembling. “What’s going on?”

“I can’t fucking stand it anymore, Jayce. Your family, my… family.” He scoffed the words. “I don’t want any of it. I don’t understand it, and I don’t know why, but I just want you. I don’t give a fuck about any of the rest of it — I want it to just be us.”



“Clay,” I said his name again, softer this time. He stared at me with eyes gone wide, and I knew my voice had dropped to a near growl. “You can’t —” was I shaking? “You can’t just say things like that. Not unless you mean it.”

He stared at me for a moment — a breath, a beat. Eternity. And then he raised his hand to press against my chest, over my heart.

“I mean it.”

I was never going to let him go.

I didn’t think about it when I wrapped my hands around his waist, and he didn’t fight me when I threw him onto the bed. He spread his legs willingly and let me crawl between them, and I couldn’t get his clothes off fast enough. I ripped open the shirt that cost more than what we were paying to stay in the room, and I didn’t give a shit about the silk as I dipped my head to press my lips against his chest.
