Page 33 of Daring Enzo

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His words struck something in me. Pathetic is no longer a strong enough word to describe what I did.

“Isn’t this the same thing you and your dad did with Alessia?”

Michael’s words make me freeze. Oh, right. I used to find the guys interested in Alessia and get them to back off… albeit with more violent methods.

“Enzo, you need to apologize to her and you need to do it soon,” Michael says when I don’t respond.

Once Michael wasn't backing me up, I started to see I might have been wrong.

“Fine, I will,” I say begrudgingly.



There’s never been a time I felt more embarrassed than I did when I received Miles’ call and heard the words he said. In the past three months, although I still hang out with the guys, it’s been sparser than it usually was. I have not been as close to them; so although I was maintaining a front with Enzo, whenever I met them, it was more of a friendly interaction than an actual date between lovers.

Although we still shared a few kisses, by the second month, it became increasingly difficult to go all the way with any of them. Although I felt bad, they didn’t push for more and were fine with what I could give them. All of this is because I liked Enzo more than I cared to admit. Everything is a game to him. It’d been like from the beginning, and it’ll likely never change. I hate the fact although I know all this, his charms are working on me.

When Miles reached out to tell me what had happened, my feet nearly gave out from under me. How could I have been so stupid to delude myself into thinking he’ll want anything better than to claim me as a prize he can win from four other men? He had shown his true self so early in the relationship. He’s a controlling bastard who cares about no one but himself.

Violating my privacy was already an unforgivable offense, but he went further than that. Texting the other men shouldn’t have even occurred to him in the first place; yet, this was the first thought he had. Seeing him standing there, acting like he hadn’t just tried to run my life, made me angry, yet I didn’t let it show. I was proud of the way I had handled things, calming myself before my emotions got the better of me, and I let him rile me up.

Watching him stutter through his words, the visible fear on his face didn’t give me the satisfaction I thought I’d get. Enzo did not just breach my privacy, but of the other men I dated as well. I apologized to Miles over and over, although he was more worried about me than annoyed by Enzo’s stupidity. These men were very particular about their privacy, but he had violated it like it meant nothing.

None of the others mentioned what had happened except Miles. He was always a gentleman, ever caring about me and wanting to make sure I was alright, which must’ve been why he had called.

The ride home from his place is very taxing. A part of me wants to go back and scream at him until my voice goes hoarse and I’m unable to say another word or until he sees what’s wrong with his action. The former is more likely to happen than the latter.

I storm up to my room and plop on the bed with a bottle of wine by my side as I call up my friends on a group call.

“Hey girl, what’s up?” Jenna asks, the first person to log on. Her eyes zero in on the wine glass in my hand and she purses her lips.

“I was hoping for some juicy tidbits, so I can live vicariously through you, but I don’t think it’s that kind of news,” she adds, just as Louise and Rachel connected.

“Uh-oh,” they chorus a second later.

"Exactly," Jenna chimed in.

I smile at the three. “Hey. How are you guys?”

“One word. Kids,” Jenna says, ending her words with a groan. “I love them so much but, Lord, they can be a handful sometimes.”

“Which is why I’m not having any,” I laugh. “You do look good though.”

“Hey, where’s my compliment?” Louise asks.

“You don’t get any,” Jenna insists immediately in return.

Alessia logs on and greets everyone. “Seems I’m the last one here. Judging by the wine glass on your hands, I take it this has something to do with Enzo.”

Her sigh is long-suffering, and I cringe.

“Sorry Alessia, it really is about your brother,” I apologize.

“Oh, please, girl. Do go on,” she urges.

“It’s been through months since we started dating; and as much as I’d hate to admit it, I like him more than I should… but he’s just ruined everything,” I say, unable to keep the sadness from my voice.
