Page 108 of Dr. Aster

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“I’m not taking a ride down on a goddamn ski patrol stretcher,” Jake argued.

“You think you can ski?” Collin said with a laugh.

Jake sat on the stretcher board and rubbed his legs briskly, “Once I get these bad boys warmed up, yes.”

“That’s not going to happen by rubbing your legs,” the guy answered with a grin.

“I’ll ride down with these two,” Collin said. “Head that way,” he pointed toward the left, “the groomed part is right there. At the base, meet us at the medical patrol building.”

That was the end of the conversation, and the next thing everyone saw was Jake and John being carted down the mountain in defeat, egos blown to hell, and us girls laughing and doing our best to follow them down so that Avery could keep videoing the entire event.

“I can’t wait to show this to Jim,” Avery shouted.

The rest of the day was a blast. It was filled with challenging ourselves, beers in between runs, and tons of laughter. John and Jake didn’t let their situation stop them from anything. In fact, once they’d thawed out, it bolstered their desire to find double-diamond slopes to prove how skilled they were.

Thank God we were here for the entire week because though I liked to ski, I never believed I would genuinely love it like I did today. It’s all in the company you keep, and all this did was make me want to keep John around for a long time, living these adventures and having a great time together doing crazy shit like this with him and our new friends who made it all that much more enjoyable.

After we were done skiing for the day, we were all set to go out to a lovely dinner in Aspen’s charming village with everyone and most likely have Jake and John be the butt of all our jokes.

Well, that was the plan anyway.

I went into the dressing room after I’d applied my makeup and tied my hair back in a sleek ponytail. I looked through the clothes in the closet until I found the burgundy cocktail dress I’d brought for an occasion like this. I slipped into it, then placed two pearl stud earrings in my ears and turned to see John watching me dress from the doorway with an expression that made me wonder if we would even make it out the door.

“You simply look stunning,” he said breathlessly.

“I’m going to freeze to death wearing only this. I don’t know what I was thinking when I?—”

My lips were captured by his firm ones, possessively taking me in a way he’d never done before. His hands ran up the bare skin of my arms, reaching my shoulders and gripping them as he steadily walked me back toward the dressing room wall.

His tongue greedily swirled in a motion with mine, making me immediately fall victim to the man whose strong hands were the only thing holding me up at the moment. I had no idea if it was me, melting with each move of his body pressing mine against the wall, or that I desperately wanted him after a day of dreamily fantasizing about him as we enjoyed the slopes that made my knees buckle, making me more lightheaded by the second.

Since being intimate with John, this had never happened to me before, feeling weak in my knees, but something was different, and I would’ve welcomed it if it didn’t make it so hard to engage.

John gently pulled back and brushed the back of his knuckles over my collarbone.

“You’re so beautiful,” he said.

His eyes spoke more to me than his words, and a lovely energy soared through my entire body as I smiled at him in response.

Something changed at that moment, and John’s expression became so sincere that I felt it pull through me like a powerful sense of knowing that this man would be the only man I could ever love and, if the chance presented itself, spend the rest of my life with.

His hands came up to my neck while his lips pressed gently into the base of my throat, then to my chin, and one last taste of my lips before he pulled back and studied my eyes.

“I won’t lose you,” he promised in a deep, earnest voice. “I swear that whatever happens from this point on, you’re mine, and no one is going to fuck with that.”

I had no idea what had gotten into him, but my sex and entire body weren’t arguing about it. I was wet, ready, and willing to give him anything he wanted, as if a spell had been cast over me by the sound of his voice as it declared these promises.

The air seemed to spin all around us, filled with the potent energy of true devotion and love. If I were in my normal frame of mind, I’d like to think I wouldn’t have fallen victim to this. Instead, it seemed Cupid had shot us both with his arrow, and we kept falling deeper and deeper into this romantic affair that appeared endless and filled with so much love I could hardly believe it was real.

Except it was real. It was authentic.

My dress lying in a pile on the floor where my feet once stood and my hair being released from my ponytail as I tugged off John’s suit pants told me all I needed to know about where John and I were headed, and it wasn’t to the restaurant with all our new friends. It was straight to ecstasy, and God only knew where it would go from there.

The room was lit well enough to see John free his dick, large veins displaying the angry way it needed to be inside of me. John dipped his fingers into me, moving them around in a way that touched every nerve craving him.

“I need you,” I begged, “now.”

John’s lips crashed into mine while I felt him enter me with as much aggression as this sexual situation was calling for. Without apologizing—and I didn’t want him to—he thrust deep, stealing the oxygen from my lungs while his teeth nipped at my lips, and his lips moved vigorously down my throat. His growling, groaning, and moans were heightening all my senses as I moaned in ecstasy and pleasure, needing this harder and deeper.

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