Page 112 of Dr. Aster

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“However, let’s just say I don’t follow the rules, or perhaps I go against what is expected of me? I learned today that many other people could be affected if my parents need to get their point across to me.”

“Oh, shit,” she said. “That bad?”

“It could be,” I said with a shrug.

“Well, let’s not worry about that,” she said reassuringly. “To worry about something that hasn’t happened or may not happen is pointless.”

“I used to think like that all of the time,” I answered, realizing that her method was the healthier approach to my current concerns.

“And look how far it got you,” she grinned, enticing me to pull her into my arms.

“It got me happy in a profession I love,” I said, kissing her. “And the woman I love.”

“And there you go,” she said, melting into my arms.

I pulled her bottom lip between mine, brushing my tongue over hers. “I’ll never let you go,” I promised.

I scooped the woman who owned my heart into my arms and carried her back to our room where I could prove to her that she was a silly fool for turning down the chance to have me any time she wanted if only she’d taken me up on my offer to move in.

Chapter Thirty-Nine


The ski trip to Aspen was an eye-opener, to say the very least. I’d love to say all wealthy people were like Jim, Jake, Collin, and their lovely wives, but I wasn’t that naïve. In fact, John’s second brush with fear about losing me due to his family’s power dynamic told me that not everyone with that amount of wealth was the same.

I didn’t concern myself too much with John’s concerns about his family’s approval of me. That was another conversation he and I had after we’d returned home, and he dropped me off at my aunt’s place with great protest. He was so funny to me; maybe some women would say he was behaving like some immature, childish boy, but I found it quite charming. Adorable, in fact.

I loved that he was a spontaneous, knee-jerk reaction kind of a guy. And it was kind of funny because usually outlandish behavior like his—you know, purchasing an eighty-thousand-dollar vehicle to go camping, last-minute trips to Aspen, and begging me to move in after only a little over a month of becoming exclusive—would ordinarily seem like chaos to me. I loved that we were the poster children for a Ying and Yang relationship. It was a true opposites attract scenario with us, but not the kind that makes you want to fight; it was the kind that brought balance.

John was the type to live in and for the moment, and I was a planner. He tended to overreact, and I was the one to remain calm and level. I’d never had that before, and maybe I was just head-over-heels, but it felt nice to be with someone who was all the things I was not.

“She’s four centimeters dilated. We need to break her water and induce her labor if she wants to have this baby by New Year’s,” I said to Tomas, the nurse on-call with me this New Year’s Eve. “I’ll talk to Miss Blakely about what she wants.”

“She’s adamant about the baby being born this year,” Tomas answered.

I twisted my lips, “Then we’re going to need modern medicine to help us along, and even then?”

“I understand,” he smirked, his green eyes filled with humor about our picky mommy. “Babies come when babies want.”

“And it’s her first child, so she might want to get used to that bit of wisdom since that little thing will be running her show in no time,” I said with a chuckle. “Let me talk with her and see if she’s up for us inducing. The baby is ready, but we don’t want to risk injury or anything else by rushing a birth to have a specific birthdate.”

It had been a long holiday season for me, but it was fun and exciting. I wasn’t surprised that I spent Thanksgiving, Christmas, and now New Year’s working on-call. I hadn’t had a day off since before Christmas, but I wasn’t complaining. The days off I did have were spent playing in Aspen or going to the opera in San Francisco, all of which were spent with John. I was grateful for the time we shared, so I didn’t care that FaceTime was the only time I got with my family over the holidays.

These days, the only time I was home was to sleep, and even with all this work, John never failed to bring me lunch when I was on-call or insisted we eat together in between patients when I was in the office for regular appointments.

Hell, with as much time as we spent at work, it would’ve been impossible to maintain a relationship if we didn’t work together. And the best part of dating my co-worker was that I got paid to see him.

“John’s here,” Nichole said as I passed the practitioner while heading to Miss Blakely’s room, “with coffee.”

I nodded and gave her a silly roll of my eyes, “He’s cute, isn’t he?” I teased.

It was much easier to deal with our relationship at the hospital these days, mainly because it was now the norm. There were no new shocking revelations of landing the hottest doctor and the eligible bachelor stuff. That had all faded, and now it was just Mickie and John to everyone.

“He’s beyond cute, lucky devil,” she teased.

“Tell me about it,” I played back. “Hey, Nichole? I’m probably going to need the anesthesiologist in about an hour. Miss Blakely is pressing pretty hard to have her baby before midnight, so that gives us six hours. Can you call and give them a heads-up? I’m sure she’s going to insist on an epidural once the Pitocin kicks in.”

“Got it,” she said. “But why? I wonder why she wants the baby born before the new year. Most people want the baby born on New Year’s Day, practically crossing their legs to wait for a special First Baby of January delivery.”

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