Page 99 of Dr. Aster

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“So, what’s first on the agenda?” she asked, walking around and inspecting the room.

I eyed the luxurious quilt that covered the log bed, “Well, we can start with me proving how much more I’ve fallen in love with you from?—”

Knock! Knock!

I frowned. “Probably Collin,” I chuckled. “The guy can’t rest unless he’s giving me shit.”

“It’s all good. We have all night,” she chuckled while I opened the door.

“Mr. Jenkins?” I questioned with a frown. “May I help you?”

“Forgive the interruption, sir,” he said, knowing my mother always had strict orders for the servants to keep their distance from the family whenever we were home. Mr. Jenkins knew this rule well, so unless the place was on fire, his intrusion was very well noted by me.

“May I ask what brings you to my room so unexpectedly?”

“I would like to ensure all is well with your sleeping quarters?”

“Mr. Jenkins, perhaps you can answer a question for me,” I said, annoyed that this asshole was on some mission from my mother to keep an eye on me.

“Certainly, sir,” Jenkins responded while I studied his solemn expression.

“Do I look like some wild teenage boy who needs to be policed and watched after outside of my parents’ presence?”

“No, sir. However?—”

“No,” I interrupted him, “I don’t. And I do hope that your rude behavior, coming to check on my girlfriend and me in our room, was not extended to the rest of my guests. Just because you watched me grow up as a child doesn’t mean I still am one.”

“But Mrs. Aster?—”

“Ah, yes. Of course, my mother has put you up to this,” I said with a smile, narrowing my eyes. “Listen, Mr. Jenkins, I trust you are aware that you’re not only attending to extremely important guests, but one of those guests happily chose to stay in this home at my behest to relax and keep her mind off of a most unpleasant and unfortunate circumstance in her health. If any of these guests are rudely intruded upon during our stay, I will be most displeased. I will deal with my mother and her orders for you to keep an eye on me later. For you, I trust that you will behave as though you are waiting on my mother for the remainder of our stay. I’m sure you understand what I’m saying?”

“I understand, sir,” Jenkins said, his head held high.

“Thank you. We will not be dining in tonight, so save the chef his trouble. That’s all.”

Jenkins quickly bowed before spinning on his heel and closing the door behind him. As he left, I began to feel my blood boiling beneath my skin. I was not one to be treated like I was some teenage idiot who my mother couldn’t trust to be unsupervised in her home.

Mark was right. Things weren’t normal, and to have Mr. Jenkins spy on me and my guests was nearly enough for me to find another place for us to stay. My only hesitation in proving a point to my mother and uprooting us all at the last moment was for Ashley. She didn’t need any stress. She needed one hundred percent relaxation and positivity, and that’s what I intended to offer everyone regardless of my mother’s machinations.

Chapter Thirty-Five


I opted out of hitting the slopes first thing in the morning since the large, oversized bed was cozier and more comfortable than the idea of gearing up in a ski outfit, putting on stiff, clunky ski boots, and going out into the frigid temperatures.

John was like a kid on Christmas morning, slamming around in the bathroom, tripping over something in the dark room, and whistling Three Little Birds by Bob Marley while he swarmed around the room, trying to stay quiet while dressing to leave. Of course, if he’d slammed through the large glass windows of the room, it probably would’ve been quieter than what I heard while he tiptoed around.

Even though I couldn’t go back to sleep, I remained nice and toasty under the thick duvet and rolled over just in time to catch the sun’s rays rising from behind the mountains, alerting me to the most magnificent sight.

I smiled, content and happy. I’d honestly never felt contentment and love like this before. The idea terrified me a little because I was finding more comfort in these feelings than anything else. I thought I’d been in love before; I truly did. I think we all fall in love, have our hearts broken, and then find love again. But this was so different. It was so strange, foreign, and beautiful all at once.

Without attaching myself to any negativity regarding this being too good to be true, I opted for happier thoughts…like following the scent of freshly brewed coffee wafting from the bottom floor.

“Good morning,” Avery’s scratchy voice cheered when I entered the kitchen. “How’d you two sleep?”

I grinned. Between John and I enjoying multiple rounds of glorious sex, indulging in every part of each other’s pleasure zones and taking that to another level, the best part was the giggling, laughing, and covering each other’s mouths while we reached climax, not knowing if we’d awoken the house while enjoying our getaway.

The way his hazel eyes glossed while his mouth dropped open when he was?—
