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“Fuck you,” he yelled over the pumping bass. That was better. I wanted him hot with anger. The cold, silent routine was harder to work with.

“Do you think of me every day?”

“No. I…I can’t?—”

“I think of you. I’ve never stopped thinking of you.”

“Do you think you’re going to seduce me again? Do you really think that’s how this is going to end?”

I realized in that moment that part of me did.

I didn’t respond, and Carter didn’t say anything else. We rode in silence for what felt like ages. I kept glancing over at him, admiring the hard line of his jaw, the thick muscles of his arms. My body was buzzing with need and nerves by the time he turned onto a dirt road. Maybe he really was taking me somewhere to dump my body.

No, he hadn’t gotten that cold. His eyes were still warm, and there was sure as hell nothing dead about them. Whatever he’d been doing since I left him in the jungle, it had been good for him. He was angry, but it was a hot, burning anger, not the anger of a cold-blooded killer.

I wasn’t convinced he was immune to seduction. There was absolutely still something between us, something I could use to get out of this fucked up situation. I didn’t want to use him though. I wanted…. No, he would never allow that.

Carter parked the SUV in front of a small cabin.

“Where the hell are we?”

He didn’t respond.

“Is this your cabin? Do you live out here like a fucking hermit? I thought you worked for Montgomery.”

He sighed. “I should have known it couldn’t last.”


“The silence.”

I laughed. “I’m sure as hell not going to give you peace while you cut me up in your murder cabin.”

Carter shook his head. “No, of course you wouldn’t.”

“I haven’t really changed, you know? I’m still a pain in the ass who thinks far too much of himself, just like you said all those months ago.”

He stiffened. “Don’t talk about our past.”

Damn. That was quite a reaction. “Why not? It won’t go away just because you want it to.”

“It had until you showed up again.”

Had It? It sure as hell hadn’t for me. I still dreamed about him regularly. “Did you really forget me that quickly?”

“You were nothing to me after you fucking shot me and joined the enemy.”

Ouch. “At least now you know why I did it.” I wasn’t going to try to convince him to change his mind about me. I didn’t deserve that anyway.

“Get inside.” He gestured to the cabin.

If I couldn’t win him over, I might as well have what fun I could. “What if I don’t? Are you going to shoot me?”

“This isn’t a game.”

I grinned and gave him a slow once over. “I sure as hell wish it was.”

“Matteo, go inside.”
