Page 101 of Grayson & Hartley

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“Are you screwing my brother?”

I gasp. The shock of his words palpable as my mouth opens to speak, but nothing comes out.

“What the fuck, Gabe?” I hear Gray behind me.

He comes to stand in front of me, giving Gabe a shove in the chest. “Don’t talk to her like that!”

He rolls his eyes. “Please. You couldn’t make it any less obvious. The only thing that was missing was hooky under the table.”

I gasp. “Uh, that’s really none of your…”

He gives me a slightly apologetic smile. “I didn’t mean to be uncouth,” he says. “I’m sorry, Hartley. You seem like a nice girl…”

“Just what the fuck are you playing at?” Gray is up in his face now. “Leave her out of whatever this thing is between us, got it?”

“Don’t, Gray. You don’t wanna start something you can’t finish.”

“Oh, I’ll finish it, brother. I’ll smack some manners into that smart mouth of yours.”

“I’d like to see you try.”

“Gentlemen…” I say, clearing my throat. “I really don’t want to be the referee in this duel, but you remember what Patti and your mom said about fighting at family dinners?”

Gabe smirks. “She’s smart, Gray. And hot. But I’m pretty sure there are rules around dating your attorney.”

Oh, no.

“We’re not dating,” I blurt out. Well, technically we’re not, so it’s not a lie. “Like I said before, your family was kind enough to invite me over for a nice family dinner. I didn’t realize this was an interrogation.”

He narrows his brow. “You’re the chick from New York, aren’t you?”

Before I get time to answer, Robert Bassett walks into the kitchen and when he sees me standing between the two brothers, he frowns a whole lot more.

“What’s going on here?” he demands.

“Nothing, Pops. I was just trying to teach Gabe some manners, not that it’ll do any good.”

I step out of the way.

“The both of you need to quit this shit, pardon my French,” he says, looking over to me. “Every time I catch the two of you, you’re going at it like a pair of pit bulls with a point to prove. I’ll stand the two of you down if you keep it up, mark my words.”

I roll my lips. Grayson and Gabe getting told off by their dad in front of me, at their age, is kinda funny.

“Sorry, Dad,” Gabe says. “I can’t help it if Gray chooses to see red just because I’m talking to his lawyer.” The innuendo in his tone is unmistakable.

He’s an ass.

“I’ll bury you in paperwork,” Gray mumbles back. “I know how much you love doing that.”

“Meaningless threats.” Gabe smiles. “They don’t mean anything.”

They stare at one another and it almost seems comical, except neither of them are laughing.

“You’re both asses,” Mr. Bassett declares. “The least you can do is stack the dishwasher for Patti and stop arguing like babies.” He stalks off, muttering under his breath as I try not to laugh.

Gabe rolls his eyes while Gray turns to look at me, and I shrug, pressing my lips together.

“Your dad has a point,” I say.
