Page 33 of Wreck Me Gently

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Tony can’t touch me again.

Still, knowing that, it’s hard to relax. It’s strange to no longer answer to him. To roam wherever I want. Not that I do. The only person I see aside from Parker is Cameron, who comes to check in on his brother four days after I move in with him.

I stay in the bedroom to give them some privacy and text Jack. It’s so weird to talk to him as a fifteen-year-old instead of a ten-year-old. I kept him frozen in time in my mind as a little kid. The same way I was frozen as a teenager in my parents’ minds.

When Parker comes back into the bedroom with me, I put my phone on the nightstand and reach to turn the lamp on my side off.

Parker tugs his shirt off then crawls into the bed with me, and I fold into him immediately. He kisses the top of my head and curls his arm around my back.

“Everything okay with your brother?” I ask.


His voice is neutral, but I can feel the restlessness rolling off him. I press a kiss to his chest. “You sure?”

“Yeah.” He takes a breath before admitting, “He was just checking in on everything that happened with my dad.”

Hatred at Parker’s father runs through me, but I try to tamp it down. The moment Parker talked to me about it, I wanted to find his father and kill him. But that wasn’t what Parker wanted or needed.

“Are you going to go to the police about it?” I ask.

“I don’t know. I-I still can’t think about it right now.”

“Okay. It’s okay,” I whisper, kissing his shoulder. “I’m right here.”

He nods silently.

“Is there anything I can do?”

“No. I just need some time.” He glances down at me, his eyes filling with concern. “How’re you doing? You seem to be feeling a little better today.”

“I am.” It’s the truth. My muscles are less tense today. I only got scared from the first few text message alerts on my phone when they came in. After that, I managed to make myself remember that no messages were from Tony or clients. I never have to do that again.

“How about your bruises? Ribs?”

“Good.” They still hurt when I move too quickly or bend over, but they’re better than they were when I left the hospital that night. “Why’re you asking? Thinking of having your way with me?”

Parker’s cheeks turn pink, and he laughs a little. “I’m not gonna say the thought hasn’t crossed my mind.” He sobers and gives me a look. “But only if you actually do feel okay. I don’t want to make anything worse.”

I roll on top of him pressing my cock against his. “I feel fine.”

His free hand moves down to tease at the waistband of my briefs. “Only if you promise to tell me if you need to stop.”

I can’t stop the smile that pulls at my mouth. Being in this relationship is just so different from Tony and all the things I did with clients. Parker cares about me. He doesn’t want to hurt me. “I promise.”

He runs his fingers up my spine, making me shiver. “Okay. I want you on top though. I know it hurts less when you’re upright.”

My cock hardens even more at the order. I fucking love riding Parker. I’ve never told him because it’s still too ingrained in me not to voice what I want. Maybe I’ll do it sometime in the future, but not yet.

I push up carefully, and Parker moves his hands to my waist to help keep me balanced. I move just enough to slide my briefs off, but I only pull Parker’s down to his thighs. I like the way it limits his movement, and I’ve found that he does too.

He’s already leaking, his cock begging to be touched.

My balls grow suddenly heavy with need, and I can’t resist reaching out to rub my thumb over the head of his cock.

Parker hisses as his hips jerk up suddenly. But he flattens his body back to the mattress quickly. “Come here,” he says, his voice rough. “Let me get you ready for me.”

I shake my head. “I want to take you like this.”
