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“Help!” I shout when I fail to come up with a plan. “Please help!”

I keep screaming for help. I only hope that someone can hear me and come to my rescue.



“It’s goingto start to snow soon,” I tell Ash as we make our way along one of the hiking trails that zig-zags its way up the mountains around Aspen Ridge.

Ash grunts, remaining silent as he leads us higher up the mountain. I just smile. Ash has always been a quiet grump, so I don’t take his lack of conversation personally.

“Think we should split up? I’ll check for tourists down this trail, and you keep going straight?”


“Are you just agreeing to get rid of me?” I ask with a laugh.


He heads down the trail, and I grin as I turn and head down my own path. My wolf is pacing inside of me, and I would like nothing more than to let him out for a run, but I know that it’s about to start snowing hard, and we need to be in our human form in case we run into any tourists who need help making it back to town.

My wolf whines, pawing at me, and I promise to let him run in the new snow tonight after our shift is over. That seems to pacify him a bit, and he goes back to pacing inside me.

I’ve been working back to back shifts this last week, so I don’t blame him for being restless. This is our favorite weather, too, so it’s been extra hard to keep him from snapping at me lately.

No, I’ve been snapping at you because we still don’t have our mate,my wolf says, and I sigh.

Just because Niko found his mate doesn’t mean that we will.

We should be trying harder to find her,he barks at me, and I sigh.

We will,I promise him, but I know that he doesn’t believe me.

I don’t blame him. We’ve been out of the Army for a few years and haven’t looked for our mate in that time. We’ve been hiding up on this mountain, waiting for her to come to us, but it’s obvious that that’s not going to happen.

We’ll take a trip down south soon,I tell my wolf, and he growls, turning his head away from me as he continues to pace.

We continue down the path, keeping an eye out for any footprints in the snow, though it’s hard now with the snow coming down. I start to move faster, wanting to finish patrol, head back to the Mountain Rescue office to clock out, and then head home.

A muffled cry comes from my left, and my wolf and I both look in that direction, straining to hear it. It’s silent for a moment, and then it comes again.


I take off before the girl can finish screaming the word. My wolf is standing at attention inside me; his ears and eyes perked for any sound or sign of danger or distress.

He smells it first, or he recognizes the scent first anyway.

Mate!He screams at me, urging me to get to her faster.

Hearing him say that word, though, has me stumbling over my own feet, and I stop, staring dazed into the falling snow.

Did you say mate?I ask him, and he snarls at me.

Yes! Can’t you smell her?

I take a deep breath and the sweetest scent I’ve ever smelled hits me.

