Page 60 of Dragon's Surprise

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“Sorry. I think I need to… You’re saying you want to inflict the pain. Like, whip me or paddle me or whatever.”

Delton raised his chin. So far, the conversation wasn’t going the way he had hoped. “Yes, that’s the idea. You’re free to say no, of course. It was just a thought because, well, you seem to trust me, and Oliver already knows me a little, and it might be easier than doing it with a stranger. And like you said, it’s not like you can take him to the club.”

Adar stared at Delton, his brown eyes searching for something, though Delton didn’t know what. “Why would you do this? Is this something you have thought about before?”

That question was easy to answer. “No, never, but I want to help you.”

At least he wasn’t lying with the way he had formulated that.

“I think that would be great,” Oliver said, and Delton took a step back in surprise. He hadn’t expected Oliver to weigh in, let alone for his immediate support.

“Yeah?” Adar sounded as surprised as Delton felt.

“He knows you, and I do trust him.”

That casual praise made Delton warm inside again. This night was proving to be good for his self-confidence. “Thank you. That means a lot to me.”

“I don’t know if…” Adar didn’t seem sold on the idea yet. “You would need some kind of training.”

Or maybe he was, and he had already moved on to the practical details. “I know, and I’m willing to be taught and practice with somebody.”

He wasn’t using Isam’s name because he was pretty sure Adar hadn’t shared it with Oliver.

“I can ask…my friend if he’s willing to teach you. If not, I may know someone at the club, but you’d have to?—”

“I can meet him at the club if that’s easier,” Delton said. Shit, was he sounding too eager now?

“Okay. Let me try my friend first.”

“But you’re open to it?” Delton asked.

“Honestly? It would be the perfect solution. Like Oliver said, I trust you, and so does he, and the idea of being able to keep this between us brings me a lot of relief.”

Of course he hadn’t agreed because he thought Delton would do a stellar job. That was ridiculous to expect. Hell, Delton wasn’t even sure if he’d be any good at this. It was just that during his research, he’d played several videos of demonstrations, and every single time, he’d pictured Adar as the sub…and himself as the Dom.

A role reversal hadn’t even occurred to him until he’d watched a few, and it had sunk in that he’d put himself in the Dom’s shoes, analyzing his reactions rather than those of the sub. What that meant, he had no clue, but at least it was proof he had some interest in it, right? Other than helping Adar.

“Thank you for giving me a chance,” he said.

Adar snorted. “I don’t know why you’re thanking me when it should be the other way around. You’re doing me a favor.”

Right. Of course that was how Adar would see it. “It’s my pleasure.”

They’d reached the cabin Oliver shared with two other dragon omegas, Frick and Jorah. Oliver let out a huge yawn. “I’m wiped. Didn’t get my nap in.”

“You get some sleep, angel. It’s been an intense couple of days,” Adar said.

“Why don’t you two hang out a little longer?” Oliver suggested, and Delton’s heart skipped a beat.

Why was Oliver saying that? Did he suspect something? But if he did, why would he encourage it? That made no sense. No, it had to be an innocent remark. Oliver wasn’t even looking at Delton.

“We could work out some of the details,” Delton said.

“Works for me.” Adar pointed. “I often sit on that bench there so I can watch Oliver’s cabin.”

“Perfect.” Oliver rose on his tippy toes and kissed Delton on his cheek. “Thank you. For everything.”

Delton’s hand flew to his cheek, which tingled from the way-too-brief contact with Oliver’s lips. He was at a loss for words, but luckily, Oliver did the same to Adar, so Delton didn’t have to say anything. He and Adar stared at the door through which Oliver had disappeared for far longer than they should have. Finally, Delton tore his eyes away. “Wanna sit on that bench?”
