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Amy explained, “Hudson doesn’t see him as one. He actually got to know Hudson through me. We got a contract to work with his establishment through a friend of mine. Then, he began to go on and on back then about how he loved me and wanted to make me his wife. Back then, he wasn’t married.”

“Oh, that’s interesting.”

“You would think so. I mean, at some point, I had actually begun to consider his offer, assuming it was from an immensely sincere heart. How wrong I was! Dude had gotten someone else pregnant with his child and was only insisting on making me his wife because I had the brains to manage his estates, and his pregnant fiancée just didn’t. She had other interests.”

“He wasn’t in love with you?”

“He didn’t even like me that much. He was in love with her. I overheard him one day on my way to his house. He just couldn’t keep his mouth shut, blabbing over the phone to a friend of his. He’s just a selfish bastard. But I’m glad you intend to invite him. It wouldn’t hurt to show off the life I’ve got now to his face. I’ll be sure to have my baby come to the party with me.”

I laughed at her intended show of pettiness. I couldn’t blame her, though. She was lucky to have settled with the man of her dreams, one she didn’t hesitate to show off with every chance she got.

We discussed other details relating to the party, including food and drinks, all in Hudson’s absence. It was Sunday, and he had taken June out to get some items at the mall.

The party was barely five days away; it was to be on a Friday evening. Everything was to be set before he returned home that evening.

Amy had called in sick to help me with the preparations. We had already sent quick invites to everyone, indicating also that Hudson wasn’t aware of the party.

I had picked up the cake on my way back from June’s school. The baker had done an amazing job. June nearly ruined the design while trying to get a taste of the icing.

I had texted Hudson with a long list of items to pick up at the mall on his way back just to delay his return and give everyone ample time to arrive at the house for the party.

“Surprise!” everyone exclaimed.

The bag of groceries fell right off Hudson’s hand as soon as he stepped into the house. Echoes of “Happy birthday!” filled the air and had him effortlessly grinning and blushing.

“Happy birthday, babe!” I whispered as I drew closer to him.

“You did this, didn’t you?” he whispered right back.

“Oh well, I did get some help.” I turned to look at Amy, who winked right back at myself and Hudson.

“Thank you so much. I didn’t expect any of this. This has got to be my best birthday ever,” Hudson exclaimed.

“Wait until you open the gifts. You can show your gratitude then.” I winked at him and walked away, looking back and smiling.

His grin got wider. He certainly understood the concept of showing and not telling.


“She’s a special one, isn’t she?” Amy was standing beside me now. I had not heard her approaching—perhaps as a result of the music and audible chatters.

“She definitely is. She’s a keeper. I am keeping this one,” I said and turned to her, still grinning hard.

“I told you not to judge a book by its cover. I’m really happy for you guys.”

“Thank you, Amy, for all of this, for everything. You’ve been most helpful and supportive.”

“Yeah, yeah, I don’t need your big words. All I want is a raise. Make that happen.”

“For an employee, I assume your demands are getting too over the board. Be careful so I don’t end up firing you instead,” I teased, trying to maintain a stern face.

“With all due respect, boss, your threats mean nothing to me. I’ll await the confirmation of my request,” she stated, and I laughed heartily. My sister was just impossible, simply put.

“I just might end up getting married again pretty soon,” I confided in her, my eyes moving to where Madison was once again.

“Are you sure?”

“I am sure of her. I just need to be sure I’m ready to go all in again. I want to do right by her. She deserves nothing short of that.”
