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Cora wasn’t giving any of that up—it was all important to her—but she was scaling back on her hours to make more time for Agnes.

“You look like you’re thinking hard.”

Agnes could read her well. “I’m just trying to fit in some lessons for Kate into my head. She could really use some help with her suturing technique. She has a lot of potential; I think she just needs some individual attention.”

Agnes’ face warmed with a beatific smile. “All the interns love you—you’re so patient with them and you’re a great teacher. You’re a hero to many of them.”

“We all have our heroes, especially in this line of work. If I can make a difference to just one of them, I’ll consider it a job well done.”

Agnes nodded. “If you’d like, we can push our dates a bit later. I want you to have time for Kate.”

“No,” Cora said quickly. “That would mean shorter dates. I’ll figure it out.”

“I still say you should let me help you with your schedule.”

Cora rolled her eyes. “I can’t plan my life down to the last minute, Agnes.”

“It works fine for me.”

“Yeah, but you’re the superwoman of schedules. I’d feel like I’m in prison.”

“Suit yourself. One day you’ll see the light.”

“Don’t hold your breath.”

“I am totally holding my breath.”

Cora brushed her hand over Agnes’ again under the table. “Then when you pass out, I’ll just have to give you mouth-to-mouth.”

Agnes leaned closer. “You can give me mouth-to-mouth any day. In fact, I’m starting to feel a little faint. Perhaps you shouldn’t wait for me to pass out.”

The temptation to kiss her was nearly overwhelming. Her blue eyes sparkled and a strand of loose dark hair fell forwards. Agnes looked so much happier and so much less troubled since they had been dating officially.

“Tonight,” Cora promised.


Cora had an interesting surgery that lasted until two hours after she was supposed to leave. She was torn between pleasure at being able to save a patient who not many other doctors would have been able to and disappointment that her time with Agnes tonight would be cut short.

Agnes was always very strict with herself about getting enough sleep, and Cora was trying to emulate her. Doing surgery when you were sleep deprived was always a bad idea. Cora knew that a lot of the senior doctors expected interns to work double shifts without blinking, but in her mind, that was a recipe for disaster.

Interns were still learning, and the potential for fatal mistakes on their part was already high enough. Adding lack of sleep to the equation was just stupid.

She hurried home once she was done. They were staying at her house tonight. Agnes already had a key, though she hadn’t yet progressed to filling the empty drawer Cora had cleared for her. Cora had some things at Agnes’ house, but Agnes wasn’t yet ready to take that step herself.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Surgery ran late.” She felt horrible for keeping Agnes waiting this long, even though it had been unavoidable.

“Don’t worry about it.” Agnes stepped out of the kitchen, looking delectable in her silk nightgown. Her skin was slightly damp; she must have just showered. “I kept dinner warm for you.”

“I was going to cook for us.”

“You can cook tomorrow. You’ve had a long day.”

Were she dating anyone else, Cora’s late appearance would have resulted in an argument, or at the very least a disgruntled silence.

Agnes didn’t seem perturbed at all. She was a surgeon, too. She knew what it was like.

Cora wolfed down the pasta Agnes had made. It was a simple dish—just some spaghetti with a tomato-based sauce, some garlic and cheese. It was easy to make, and a good option for a quick, delicious meal when they had both had a long day.
