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She’d slept with Jonathan.

The room glowed with lazy morning light. His bedspread was plaid, she could see now. Across the room, his closet door was open, exposing hanger after hanger of even more plaid.

He stirred behind her, and his arm tightened around her waist, pulling her closer. Yep, he was naked. They were both naked. Because they’d had sex last night. Great sex. Mind-blowing, off-the-charts sex. The kind of sex that made you fantasize about quitting your job so you could do nothing but have sex all day long.

“Hey,” he murmured into her hair.

“Hey yourself.” Her voice came out rough and scratchy.

His lips found her shoulder, mouthing a wet trail over her skin.

She closed her eyes, trying to enjoy it, but couldn’t help flinching as he moved up her neck.

He stopped kissing her. “What’s wrong?”

“Your beard tickles.”

“Oh yeah?” He rubbed his beard against her neck and she twisted away, turning onto her back. Even though it felt like it was a hundred degrees in the room, she pulled the bedspread up, covering her breasts. As if he hadn’t seen them last night. As if he hadn’t had his mouth on them only a few hours ago.

Jonathan propped himself up on one elbow above her. “You look beautiful.” His hair was all fluffy and mussed. Sex hair. She probably had it too. It was unfair how attractive his was.

She could feel last night’s eye makeup caked around her lashes. “I’m pretty sure I look like Alice Cooper.”

He leaned in and kissed her, smiling against her lips.

For a fleeting moment, she relaxed, sinking into the sensation. Something fluttered in her chest, making her feel light and floaty.

He pulled away. “You’re always beautiful.”

The floaty sensation evaporated, and she came thudding back to earth.

His blue eyes were brimming with affection. Too much affection. It was painful to look at. Like stepping out of a dark building into blinding sunlight.

Her chest prickled uncomfortably and she kicked her feet out from under the covers. Why was it so dammed hot in here? She felt like she was getting a heat rash.

His hand came up to caress her cheek, tilting her face back toward him. He was frowning slightly. “You sure you’re okay?”

She tried to smile. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

She wasn’t fine. There was no air in the room. It was suffocating her.

His frown deepened as his fingers trailed down her throat. “You’re all tense.”

“It’s too hot in here.” Throwing back the covers, she sat up on the edge of the bed, keeping her back to him. She grabbed a piece of clothing off the floor to cover herself up.

It was one of Jonathan’s shirts. She dropped it like it was covered in acid.

There. That was her shirt. She snatched it off the floor and pulled it over her head.

“Hey,” Jonathan said behind her.

She twisted around. She wasn’t wearing a bra, so she crossed her arms over her chest.

His worry crease was as deep as she’d ever seen it. “Tell me what’s wrong.”


He could definitely tell she was lying.
