Page 183 of The Queen’s Shadow

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I glanced back over my shoulder at Kasha’s closed door and sighed. Maybe it was a good thing that she didn’t seem to have any interest in coming out of her room. It would make it less likely that her and Anaya would cross paths.

“Fine. I guess there’s nothing we can do about it now.” I grumbled. Rhyalla nodded and stood up to stretch.

“Well, I have a lot to do to prepare for our guests then. Are you going to stay here with Kasha?”

My heart rate sped up just at the sound of her name, and my breath caught in my throat. I glanced back at her door again and shivered.

“I don’t know. I don’t think that’s a good idea. You stay here, I’ll go and do whatever it is you need to do.” I said, unable to tear my gaze away from the bedroom.

Rhyalla snorted. “You’re telling me you would rather go and clean guest houses and freshen up bed linens than sit here and wait for your mate to wake up?”

I glanced back at her and nodded, even though we both knew she could smell the lie for what it was. She rolled her eyes.

“Don’t be such a coward, Rycon. You glance over at her door every five seconds. Why don’t you try to actually talk to her and tell her you think she might be your mate? It’ll probably help her understand why you’re being such a needy little bitch so soon after rescuing her.”

I gaped at her, my mouth dropping open indignantly. “Excuse me? I am not being a needy little bitch!” I snapped, but she just chuckled.

“You are a little bit… and a pussy. I don’t understand why you won’t just tell her.”

“You really think that’s what she needs right now? To hear that the guy she fucking hates is her mate? She’ll probably reject me on the spot, especially after everything she just went through.”

Rhyalla stepped forward and laid a hand on my shoulder sympathetically. She leaned forward and kissed my temple, affectionately nuzzling the side of my head with hers.

“She doesn’t hate you, big brother. You’re both just stubborn and pig headed. That’s why you fight all the time… it’s also why you’re perfect for each other. She pushes you to be less of an asshole. You can push her to get back to herself and reclaim the strength that those pieces of shit stole from her. Just try not to fly off the handle every time she pushes your buttons and you’ll be fine.”

“I’ve already flown so far off the handle for her that I have fucken road rash.” I muttered, feeling an uncomfortable new emotion well through my heart. It felt an awful lot like sadness, which I immediately forced into anger. I didn’t get sad. Especially not over stupid shit like my love life.

Rhyalla pulled away and smirked at me, cupping my face and forcing my head up to look at her.

Sometimes I wish she had been born first. She was alpha as fuck and would have made a way better leader than me. She was probably the only person on the planet I would fully entrust Olkuyrbe to, and the only person I didn’t mind challenging me.

“Stop being a little bitch, Rycon, and talk to your mate. There are leftovers in the cold cellar for lunch, and some chamomile tea in the cupboard for her to help with her nerves if she needs it. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

My sister ignored the growl of protest that rolled through my chest and slipped out to begin preparations for the arrival of our guests.

I glanced back at Kasha’s door again and winced, realizing I was doing exactly what Rhyalla had accused me of, and sighed.

I battled with myself for a moment, before finally getting up and heading into the kitchen to put a pot of water on. I would make her lunch and tea… tea was nice… right?

There was no way we would fight over me bringing her tea…

Ugh. Raven was right.

Loving people was shit.


‘No one is coming for you,’ the male whispered into my ear. His hot breath slid over my skin making my stomach churn with nausea. He crouched over me like an overgrown primate, and I fought so hard against the slavery bond that I felt it score through my aura.

‘They’re all dead. The Queen told me so.’ He hissed, leaving sloppy, wet kisses down the side of my face. My skin burned as if his saliva was made of acid. Tears slid down my cheeks as I thought of Rycon, staring at me from across the throne room, his eyes filled with horror and rage. Was he really dead?

I could feel the slavery bond cutting into my power as I continued to fight against it. I pressed and pressed against the crackle of the magickal shackles that separated me from the pool of power that I knew dwelled within. I was stronger than this monster that had hunkered down on top of me. He stroked me as if I were some sort of pet and every fiber of my being screamed at me to blast him away.

If I had been free, he would be dead. I would have torn him apart before he could have even laid a finger on me. He was a weak disgusting cockroach, but there was nothing I could do but lie here. His command over the bond was ironclad… and no one was coming to save me this time.

Bang, bang, bang!

The nightmare dissolved around me at the sound of someone hammering on the door. Opening my eyes, I pushed myself up in bed, gasping. I reached for my power to blast the phantom male away from me, but my palms didn’t so much as tingle. Panic took me, until I was able to absorb my surroundings and remember where I was.
