Page 202 of The Queen’s Shadow

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“Nah man. She just pissed off.” I said.

“Shit,” Jeremy muttered. He glanced at me, clearly deciding whether or not he should ask me something.

“How long have we been fucking lost for!?” Raven snarled, her fists clenching at her sides.

“We’re not lost, I will get us there, please try to calm down.” Dossidian said, holding his hands up, palms facing the angry young queen.

Keeping one eye on Raven, I encouraged Jeremy to continue.

“Tell mi what’s on ya mind.”

I continued to watch Dossidian and Raven’s altercation closely. If anyone could handle an outburst from her, it was Dossidian. However, I would need to stay on my toes and make sure I was able to get Jeremy out of harm’s way if she totally went off the deep end.

“It’s just… when you three were in Italy, she kind of… lost it.”

I raised my eyebrows at him. “What yuh mean, shi lose it? She go all black-eyed scary gyaal pon ya?” I asked, surprised I hadn’t heard about this up until now. Jeremy pursed his lips and nodded.

“Yeah, I wanted to help, but Rycon wouldn’t let me anywhere near her. He said I would get…barbequed, I think is the word he used.”

Despite the escalating nature of the situation we were currently in, I had to force myself not to laugh. Trust di cat to put it so bluntly. He wasn’t wrong though, when Raven lost control, no one was safe. The only person I had ever seen reign her in was Amon. I wondered how they had gotten her to come back from it, without him there.

“How ya get har to stop?” I asked.

“Well, Rycon did, actually. She almost blew his arm off, but he was somehow able to get her to calm down.” He looked me up and down critically.

“You don’t happen to have regenerative powers, do you?” He asked. I again found myself biting back a laugh, despite the inappropriate nature of the situation.

“No man. If she blow off mi arm, it nah grow back.” I chuckled. “But mi can get har to calm down before it come to dat mi think.”

Jeremy gave me a nervous smile and a nod. “Be careful.” He said, and I had to give it to him. For a human, he had taken all of this relatively in stride. His love for Raven was truly unconditional. There was no way for Jeremy to understand what it meant, for Raven and Amon to be separated like this. He couldn’t possibly know the magnitude of the situation or how difficult and inhumane it was.

However, he still somehow seemed to understand that Raven couldn’t help her behaviour right now. He wanted to understand her. He wanted to help her. My heart warmed at how good of a person this man was proving to be.

“Rayven,” I said. I kept my gate slow and lazy, as I walked up to her. Tossing her one of my best grins, I ignored the cold shock of her aura as I pressed closer. “Chill gyaal, wi almost der.” I told her.

“You don’t know that!” She snapped, turning her attention away from Dossidian. Meredith shot me a look, clearly wondering if it was a good idea for me to get involved.

I shrugged. “Yuh right, but mi do know dat Dossidian is from here. He warn us at di beginning we may get a likkle turned around. We also know dis gwan take ‘a couple weeks. Wi on track. Keep ya chin up.”

She scowled at me, but I felt her aura calm slightly. “We got dis, gyal, we almost there mi can feel it.” I was lying through my dyam teeth, but I made sure she couldn’t see my own doubts about whether or not we were going to make it out of this horrible wasteland anytime soon.

“Nuh true, Dossidian?” I asked, shooting him an easy, laid-back grin. He cleared his throat, catching on.

“Yeah. The Obeah Man is right. We’re close.” He said, and Raven’s dark eyes flit back and forth between us. She narrowed them at me, and I held my breath, not letting my smile falter.

“DOSSIDIAN!” Meredith suddenly screamed and I whipped around to look at where she was pointing. Raven turned at the same moment just in time to catch a massive fireball that was heading directly for us with her shadows.

The darkness surrounded us in an instant, protecting us from the explosion of flames. There was one long agonizing moment when we were surrounded by nothing but fire and darkness. Raven screamed with the effort of keeping her shield in place and Dossidian roared in anger. I gaped, realizing he had instinctively thrown Meredith to the ground and was covering her with his own body, to protect her from the flames.

“What is happening!?” Jeremy shouted as the fire finally subsided. I didn’t wait to answer. I drew the water from my armor and prepared for battle.

As the fire cleared, I squinted out into the distance, where two dark, hulking figures approached. Fire coated both of their fists and as they came forward; I realized they were daemons. I drew my blade and launched myself forward. Dossidian followed with a roar.

“Yuh get di one on di right!” I shouted to him, but I wasn’t sure he heard me. The look of pure fury on his face was all consuming, and for the first time since I had met him, he dropped his hold on his aura. I watched in awe as fire exploded from his chest, coating his body as he blasted forward like a damn rocket. His entire body turned white hot and the sand beneath him melted into glass as he shot like a fiery torpedo through the air, aiming directly for the approaching figures.

Together, they launched another enormous fireball at us, but Dossidian tore directly through the center of it as if it were nothing. I immediately used my water to eliminate the fire before it could reach our group. Raven was suddenly beside me, powering up a quasar ready to fire, but my eyes widened as Dossidian collided with our attackers.

“Don’t attack!” I shouted to Raven suddenly. “SHIELD! SHIELD WID EVERYTING YUH ‘AVE!” I did the same, surrounding us with water as best I could. Raven got her shadow shield back up just in time, as Dossidian detonated on impact.
