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Sabel nodded, “I will spread the word that we will be closed until further notice.” Kael nodded gruffly, and surveyed the small amount of stone I had taken with me.

“Is this all there is?” She asked, “If I need more, would it be possible to harvest a larger batch?”

“There is more.” I affirmed. “Much more. I am on my way back to the palace now. I plan to work with Dossidian to get some sort of excavation team put together. Once you are sure you can forge it, we will need to produce enough weapons to equip an army.”

Kael and Sabel exchanged a glance. “We are only two daemons. To forge enough shadowstone weapons to equip an army… we will need more resources. A larger workshop. Daemons who are skilled in the craft…”

I nodded. “I don’t pretend to have experience with things like this, but if you can give me a list of all that you need to execute this task, I will do everything in my power to make sure that you have it.” I promised. They both nodded.

“Do you need Bond Breaker to get started, or can I take it with me?” I asked, thinking of the enslaved daemon I had left behind in the palace. A thrill went through me at the thought of freeing her. I hoped she was awake.

“I shouldn’t need it. If I do I will send for you.” Kael replied, I could already see the wheels in her mind turning as she sorted through the pieces on the table.

“Alright,” I said, grabbing Bond Breaker. “I’ll leave you to it. Send the bill for your services to the palace and I will make sure you get paid.”

Kael nodded, but she was lost in thought and I wasn’t even sure if she heard me. I turned to Sabel and held out a hand to shake, not really knowing how else to show my gratitude.

“Thank you so much for your help.” I said, hoping the genuine appreciation came through in my voice. Sabel pushed past my hand and pulled me in for a tight hug. My eyes widened in surprise, but I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her back after a moment.

“If anyone can save him, it’s you.” She said softly. I felt my eyes well with tears again at her kind words. She barely knew me, but already seemed to have so much faith that I would be able to save her Prince.

“I hope you’re right.” I whispered back. She pulled back looking me in The Eyes, hands resting firmly on my shoulders.

“I’m always right,” she winked at me, smiling. “Just ask Kael.”

Kael huffed out a laugh and I bit back a smile of my own, before leaving them to their work. I couldn’t wait to tell the others what I had found.

This changed everything.


When I arrived in the common room several minutes later, Jeremy and Meredith were waiting for me. Jeremy seemed to have been given a change of clothes. He was wearing lambskin pants and a linen shirt, and I bit back a smile. He looked uncomfortable and out of place. At home he was usually wearing an O.P.P t-shirt and jeans. We would have to stop at the house at some point so he could pack some of his stuff to bring back here.

He visibly relaxed the second he saw me, and I felt a pang of guilt. He looked tired and I suddenly realized he probably hadn’t slept at all.

“Raven,” he croaked, coming forward and pulling me into a hug. I was careful to make sure the sword was pointed away as I hugged him back. If the thing was sharp enough to cut through slavery bonds, I was sure it wouldn’t take much to cut through flesh.

“We were really starting to worry.” Meredith said. I pulled away from Jeremy and frowned at her.

“I know, I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to be gone for that long, but something came up.”

Meredith’s gaze fell to the sword in my hand. It took her a moment to register but the moment she did she let out a small ‘Oh!’ She glanced back up at my face, took one look at my huge grin and her own expression immediately broke into one of excitement as well. She leapt up from where she had been sitting in the pit.

“Raven!” She gasped

“I know!” I exclaimed, unable to contain my excitement.

“What is going on?” Jeremy asked, looking back and forth between us, confused. Meredith had grabbed me by the arms and we were nearly jumping up and down in celebration.

Rycon’s tired voice rang through the common room as he entered. “You two are loud as fuck.”

I took one look at him and grimaced. He looked like absolute shit. There were dark bags under his eyes and he was moving slowly, almost gingerly. It looked as if he was in pain. Well, that pretty much confirmed my suspicions that he had hit the bottle last night while I was gone. I shoved back my irritation. So much for him staying behind to ‘babysit.’ Fucker had just gotten wasted.

“Raven found Bond Breaker!” Meredith exclaimed.

This got the shifter’s attention. He immediately seemed to wake-up and push through his hangover.

“Fuck off,” he said, as if he didn’t believe it.
