Page 45 of The Dominion of Sin

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“I swear! Listen, I’m not exactly in the loop, ok? I left my leap as soon as I could. I was like, fourteen, when I ran away to train to become a mercenary. Do you know how many shifters there are in the world? Your stupid Flute could be anywhere.”

Dossidian shrugged. “He has a point.”

I narrowed my eyes at Rycon. I reached for our bond, which was still blocked from the day Amon had cracked his windpipe. Since then, I had gotten a little more comfortable with my powers. Amon hadn’t taught me how to unblock it yet, but I wondered if I could figure it out on my own. I squeezed my aura down the line that connected us. I could feel the pinch, where the energy flow was blocked.

Remembering how Clair had unblocked it in my cell on the docks, I imagined a cool gust of wind blowing against the blocked bond. I blew until it wiggled, then popped free, releasing a burst of energy like a gush of champagne. Amon’s eyebrows rose.

‘Clever girl,’ He purred into my mind.

I riffled through Rycon’s thoughts without remorse. I learned quickly that he was not lying. He had no idea what The Flute was. I pulled back out from the bond, sealing it up behind me as I went. Amon was smirking in that wicked way of his and Rycon looked pale.

“What did you just do?” He asked, his voice shaking. “That was…uncomfortable.”

“I just unblocked the bond to check and see if you were lying.”

“When did you learn to do that?”

“Just now. Figured I would give it a go.”

“You just went for it? What if you fucked it up? You shouldn’t go shuffling through people’s heads like that. You could have given me brain damage or something.”

“At least then you would have an excuse,” Kasha sniggered, and he snarled at her.

I held up my hands.

“Ok, ok, settle down before we get in trouble with Prophet Margaret. I believe you Rycon. Do you think your sister might know something? We need to find it as soon as possible.” My birthday was getting closer, and I hadn’t forgotten what Amon had said on the way back from The Eye.

We had to prove to Ash Nevra after the Quickening that I was either dead or broken, or she would kill me herself. Hopefully, we could awaken The Origin before that. It was starting to feel less and less likely, the more time went by.

Rycon seemed to mull it over, then shrugged.

“Wouldn’t hurt to ask. She’s always taken her duties as Rhiannon seriously. If shifters are guarding The Flute, I wouldn’t be shocked if she knew about it. Gods… I really hope it’s not the lions. If you think I’m bad you're going to hate the lions.”

‘Rhiannon means princess or chiefess.’ Amon explained into my mind. ‘The male counterpart for the word is Rhoan.’ I had almost forgotten that Rycon was technically meant to be chief of his leap. He had abandoned his birthright after his parents had been murdered by the Nightshades when he was a small child.

I remembered the state I had been in, after Clair had died. It would have been easy to spiral and live forever in that dark place I had gone. If Amon hadn’t forced me to go with him to The Eye that day, who knew what would have become of me.

I looked at Rycon and felt a small pang in my chest. Was that who I would have become, if left unchecked?

“Alright Kitty Cat.” Kasha purred, stalking toward him. “You’re up. Looks like we’re going to visit that sister of yours. I have half a mind to ask her if she dropped you on your head as a baby. It would explain a lot.”

“For fucks sakes, you’re the most irritating female I have ever met, you know that?” He snapped, but she just looped her arm through his and led him back the way we came.

“Where does she live anyway? Do I need to pack a swimsuit?”


After dinner that night, Amon dropped me off at my door.

“You really impressed me today, Raven.” He said softly, touching a hand gently to my chin. “Finding that prophecy… I was not expecting that.”

I looked up at him and offered him a small smile.

“Like I said before, I’ve had a good teacher.”

He brushed his thumb over the trace he had planted on my chin. I was reminded, briefly, that I should check in on Jeremy before going to sleep. I was about to say good night and slip into my room, when Amon slid his hand from my chin to the back of my neck.

Before I knew what was happening, he was pulling me toward him. Placing a gentle kiss on my forehead, he pressed the small soap he had bought for me into my hand, before sliding away.
