Page 51 of The Dominion of Sin

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Ladders and pulley systems made of thick vines hung around us as we moved deeper into the panther community. Beneath the canopy of tree homes, fire pits peppered the forest floor. Drying racks covered with fish, animal hides and leathers were gathered in areas where the thick canopy had been cleared to allow the hot sun in.

The settlement was filled with shifters of all ages. Many of them bore the same red ink that Rhyalla wore but all of them were dressed in loose fitting animal hides. They seemed to have been fashioned in such a way that they would not tear or rip during a shift.

Several shifters chose to remain in their panther forms, sharpening their claws on tree trunks, or bathing in patches of sunlight. Kasha elbowed me and pointed to a particularly large panther, who was doing just that.

“Told you kitty cats love sunbeams.” She joked and I bit back a laugh.

Around many of the firepits, I noticed females weaving together long garlands of foraged leaves and jungle flowers. As we pressed further, Rhyalla brought us to the center of the settlement, where a large pyre had been built and covered in florals. There was an arch made from woven vines placed before it, and two females were weaving white orchids through the vine.

“This is where the ceremony will be held.” Rhyalla informed us “Tonight is the second night of Yal'duun-kala, the final ceremony will be tomorrow at sunset. I am very glad that you are here, Rycon.

“I sent several K'aalpa-kah to try to find you, but no one was able to. They tracked your scent to a dock in Toronto, Canada. However, they reported that your scent pattern just disappeared from there.” Rycon’s good humor had evaporated. Since he had heard the news that his sister was to be mated, his mood had turned murderous.

“Yeah, because I had to cross The Veil with these assholes.” Rycon grumbled, gesturing back to us.

“Interesting,” Rhyalla looked thoughtful. “So you truly did not know I was mating K’yen tomorrow? When I first realized it was you at the border, I assumed you had heard the news and that was why you were here.”

“No. I didn’t know,” Rycon snapped. His anger was so palpable, I considered blocking the bond.

“So why are you here, then?” She asked, cocking her head to the side. Amon stepped forward.

“Is there somewhere more… private that we may speak?” He asked, nodding to the females working behind Rhyalla on the Yal'duun-kala arch. Rhyalla rose her eyebrows.

“We have come to ask for your help with something urgent but also… delicate. It is imperative that the information we share with you does not leave this group.” Dossidian said.

“Now I am even more intrigued. Come, we can speak in my private rooms.”

Rhyalla led us to a long ladder that flowed up to one of the larger tree structures set deep within the settlement. Amon took my hand and pointed towards the sky. I knew he wanted me to practice flying. I floated up to the wooden landing with him, while our party followed us using the ladders and vines provided.

“If I make you practice every day, maybe the next time someone is trying to slit your throat, you will think to fly away.” His tone was still moodier than I was used to.

Once everyone else had made it to the landing, Rhyalla invited us in. The tree house was spacious and sprawling. It had multiple rooms, and even what resembled a small kitchen, with a wooden table and shelves stocked with dried venison and fruits. Beyond the kitchen was a large bedroom. The bed was made of polished Kapok wood. It was set with a large stuffed mattress covered in hand woven blankets.

Rhyalla gestured for us to sit at the table and went about gathering some fruits and nuts from her cupboards to serve to us before sitting down herself.

“So, tell me, Amon, Prince of Pride. Why have you come to Olkuyrbe? And how has The Origin’s daughter come to bond herself to my brother?”

I looked to Amon, and he raised a brow to me.

‘Would you like to start, or should I?’ He asked in my mind, and I smiled.

‘Why don’t you go ahead? I don’t want to say too much.’

He nodded, and, to my surprise, he told her almost everything. He told her how Ash Nevra had hired Rycon to try to kidnap me, so she could eliminate me as a threat to her throne. He explained how I had been untrained. In my attempt to defend myself from Rycon, I had accidentally bound him to me while trying to escape.

He told her how Ash Nevra had been enslaving the other courts behind The Veil, and how we were working to put a stop to her tyranny by awakening The Origin.

He did not tell her about The Lens, or the Omnikey. He only mentioned The Flute, and how we were on a mission to secure it. He explained that we had learned that it was currently under the protection of shifters, though we did not know what breed had it.

Rhyalla listened attentively and did not interrupt once. When Amon was done, she turned to look at Rycon. Her gaze was not impressed.

“Serves you right.” She said, “You deserve to be bound. Working as some sort of low-life mercenary for whoever will pay you. Father would be disgusted.”

Rycon snarled, but she ignored him. “You are Rhoan, and you have behaved as a common criminal. It is beneath you.”

“I never wanted to be Rhoan.” Rycon snapped. Rhyalla hissed at him.

“Too fucking bad. I didn’t want to have to pick up the pieces after Mother and Father died but I did because it was my responsibility to do so. Because of your selfishness I was left to lead Olkuyrbe too. I had to move us back here, without you. I had to ensure everyone was fed, and clothed, and that our borders were secure alone.”
