Page 61 of The Dominion of Sin

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“I’m covered in scars. No one wants to see that. I don’t know why I even agreed to this. I feel stupid. I look stupid,” My self-doubt and insecurities mounted.

Hurtful memories of how boys at school had teased me chose that moment to surface. I remembered how they had called me an ugly witch. Or my personal favorite, dared each other to invite me to a dance, just to laugh in my face when I gave a hopeful ‘yes’. All of that had happened before I even had the scars. If I had been ugly then I must certainly be hideous now.

Amon’s eyes softened, and he pressed even closer. He ran his fingers up my arm, smearing the paint Rhyalla had traced over me. He put his hand to my chin and tilted my face up, to look at him.

“Have I not made it clear that I think you are beautiful?” He asked me, his voice was rough, almost a growl. My eyes welled with tears.

“I don’t understand how you could think so, when I look like this,” I whispered. He rested his forehead against mine briefly, before tracing his fingers over the intricate lines of the scars on my collar bone.

“These,” he said softly, pulling his head away to watch his own fingers as they followed the thin lines of raised flesh that had been carved into my skin. “Are evidence that you are fierce and strong,” his fingers followed the scars lower, to where they disappeared beneath my bandeau. “When I look at these, I am reminded that you are a force. That you are a survivor.”

I looked down to where he traced his fingers even lower. He slid them over the bandeau and down my side. Exploring the long line of exposed flesh, pausing on my bare hip. My skin erupted in goose flesh as he leaned in, pressing his mouth against my ear.

“I often find myself wondering what it would feel like, to run my tongue over them.” He whispered, and my entire body contracted. I felt my breasts peak and my core tighten.

He pulled away, smirking at me. His eyes did not miss the effect he had, as he raked his gaze over my chest.

“I am not interested in that female, Raven. I refused her advances, just as you refused the advances of the males that approached you.” He touched his thumb to my chin. “Do you understand?” He asked. I nodded minutely.

“I have been trying to give you space, to mourn, and to train. We have a difficult road ahead of us and the Quickening is coming. But do not make the mistake of thinking that these scars make me think less of you. On the contrary. When I look at you, I see a fierce female who is powerful enough to survive the spell that caused these scars.”

He glanced down at my mouth, and I thought that he might kiss me. Instead, he leaned in close to whisper in my ear again.

“And Raven… there is nothing that excites me more than the thought of watching, as you bring those responsible to their knees.”

Amon took me back to the pyre. We passed the shifters who had approached Kasha and I earlier on our way in. They took one look at Amon, whose fingers were laced through mine, and backed away into the shadows.

At the pyre, we found Dossidian laughing and dancing with three shifter females. He was ruddy faced and drinking something from one of the wooden cups that were being passed around.

“Ladies, I’m telling you, I was taking them down ten at a time in the battle of The Origin. Amon, tell them!” Amon smirked. He drew me close to him, his arm sliding casually around my waist.

“Yes. Dossidian is the strongest warrior in my Court. I’ve seen him take down entire armies on his own.”

I raised an eyebrow. ‘Entire armies?’ I asked Amon into his mind.

‘Perhaps not entire armies. However, I am an excellent wing man,’ he replied, looking pleased with himself.

I laughed. The females went wild for this piece of information. One of them boldly stroked her hand down Dossidian’s chest, while the other tugged his hand, pulling him to dance by the fire.

“Such a strong daemon,” They cooed. He glanced back at us and winked.

“Shall we dance ladies?” Dossidian bellowed and allowed them to pull him away.

Kasha was dancing by the fire as well. Several males circled her, and she teased them with the sensual sway of her hips. I watched her dance and wished I knew how to move the way she did. She was sex personified.

Every step, every twist she made, was alluring, and filled with confidence. Even her expressions were sultry. The males around her were nearly climbing over each other, just to get closer to her.

Suddenly, out of the shadows, Rycon appeared. He was watching Kasha as well, and I could not read the look on his face at first. Through the bond, he felt hungry.

‘This should be interesting,’ I whispered into Amon’s mind.

‘What do you mean?’ He asked. I twisted in his arms to look back at him.

‘You haven’t noticed that Kasha and Rycon are kind of into each other?’

He rose an eyebrow. ‘I assumed they drove each other crazy. They’re always bickering. Sometimes I worry they will end up in a full-blown fist fight.’

‘Exactly.’ I responded. ‘I went to a human high school. I saw this all the time. Boy and girl argue constantly. They tease each other, get into fights. Then next thing you know, they’re shoving their tongues in each other’s mouths at prom.’
