Page 17 of Risking it All

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“Are you alright? You seem a bit off.” She asked, and I winced.

“I’m okay. Some drunk dumbass came over here trying to flirt. The bouncer handled it.” To be honest, I didn’t care about that idiot, but I couldn’t very well admit I was pouting about her brother obviously scouting out his night’s prospects.

No, better to stick with the more logical reason to be unsettled.

Alice’s eyes narrowed, and she swept a glare around the room as if she could magically tell who’d bothered me. “Is he still here?” There was a protective glint to her tone that helped melt the painful ice that’d been forming.

Taking her hand, I squeezed it and smiled. “He’s gone, from what I can tell. Let’s not think about him.”

Or the other male across the bar that my eyes felt drawn to despite the fact I knew seeing him with someone else would burn.

I hadn’t looked over again since the second time, and I was going to keep to that.

Of course, the universe just had to go and laugh at me because Alice looked over my shoulder and hissed. “What is Will doing here?”

I shrugged. “I don’t think he knew either of us would be here, to be fair. He seemed shocked when he saw me earlier.”

She rolled her eyes. “That or he didn’t expect you to look smoking hot. Knowing my brother, I’m betting on the latter.” Then her eyes narrowed, and she groaned. “And now I get to watch him flirt with someone, that’s great.”

Turning away from that direction, she faced me with a grimace. “I really wish he’d quit sleeping around. At least if his flirting was toward one woman, I could call it cute how devoted he was to her.”

Yeah, but that really wasn’t the case. William didn’t flirt because he liked the women as people, he did it because he knew it was an easy way into their bed. That didn’t used to bother me, but now…

Shaking that off, I took her hand and smiled sympathetically. “Want to go to the next town over’s bar?” Honestly, I wouldn’t enjoy myself while fighting the urge to look at what he was doing.

She snuck another glance over my shoulder and grimaced. “Yeah, let’s do that. I’ll pay and send out a group text to let the others know we’re going somewhere else. Stupid brothers and their hormones.” She grumbled at the end, and I looked over despite logic telling me not to.

The woman was pressed against him now, his eyes only for her–specifically her boobs–and the way she stroked his arm dragged something sharp and ugly up into my chest.

It had nothing to do with her personally, she just saw a single man at a bar and did what most people would do.

That didn’t mean I liked it any better.

Forcing my eyes away from them, I stood up and smiled at Alice, hating how plastic the edges felt. “I’m going to use the bathroom before we head out.”

She waved me on and I breezed down the hallway, following the signs. When I finally got to the white tiled room, I took a minute to just breathe.

I’d been doing really well with handling William’s rejection until now. I’d even half hoped that my stupid crush had finally disappeared, but that was naïve. It was still there, just quieter.

Hopefully it would completely disappear given time.

Splashing some water on my face, I steeled my resolve. I wouldn’t ruin the day for Alice just because of my issues with her brother. He wasn’t interested in a relationship, just like I wasn’t looking for a fling. We each had our own preferences, and there was nothing wrong with that.

Getting involved with him would be a mistake, and I’d remind myself of that as many times as I needed to before it sank in.

Nodding to myself, I stepped away from the sink only to knock into something tall behind me.

“I'm sorry, I wasn’t looking-.” I froze, coming nose to nose with the creep from earlier. This was the women's bathroom, and immediately every instinct I had screamed to life.

There was a new glint to his eyes, one that made my skin crawl, and when I tried to back away I met the sink behind me. He caged me against it, arms settling on either side of me as he gave a disgusting leer.

“Not so haughty now, are you?” He sneered, eyes flicking down my frame until I felt the desperate urge to throw up or shower. When he tried to reach for my boobs again, I slammed both palms into his chest and shoved with all my might. He staggered back, his balance clearly still impaired as I snapped.

“Get away from me.”

Unfortunately he was between me and the exit, his eyes darkening with anger as he steamed. “What is it with you women? You think you’re all better than me? As if you’re anything but a hole.”

He stepped forward and I tensed, sucking in air to scream as loud as I could. He must have noticed that because he lunged, “Oh no, you don’t.”
