Page 27 of Risking it All

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My humor died instantly and I nodded, giving my honest answer. “I don’t think she’s rejected anyone lately. Though I did pull a creep off her at the bar about a month ago. He cornered her in the bathroom after she turned him down.”

His face went dark, and he faced me fully. “Can you give a description of the man?”

I nodded, rattling off what I remembered. “It isn’t the same one who was here, I would have said so upfront.”

He sighed. “I figured, but we have to cover all our bases. That being said, you’re free to go.”

Devin faced me, Beatrice cradled carefully in his arms as he nodded toward the door. “You should get her out of here. It’s loud with all the people checking out the crime scene, and she won’t like being stared at.” He flicked a glance to the open front door where a few of their neighbors were already gawking in.

My stomach twisted and I leveled my best glare on them, satisfied when they shrank back.

Damn gossips, the lot of them.

Gently taking her, the weight in my arms soothing the rampant fear ricocheting around my ribs, I grunted. “Want me to take her to my house?”

He hummed, already facing the officer, though his eyes lingered a beat longer on Beatrice. “That’s probably for the best. I’ll stop by later to check on her. Remember to grab Fig on your way out.”

I blinked, confusion clear and he snorted. “The dog, we named it Fig. I’ll explain later.”

Good enough for me.

I walked out of the apartment, shielding Beatrice as best I could from the curious eyes of the onlookers. Settling her into the front seat of Devin’s car, I grabbed the keys he’d left in the ignition and went back inside for the dog.

It was still out cold, so moving it was easy. Once it was safely tucked into the back seat, I got into the driver’s side and started the engine.

Today hadn’t gone how I expected, but at least she was–for the most part–okay. I’d take my blessing where I could get them.

Though when she woke up, I’d have to figure out how to word my new discovery, and I hoped she was still open to more with me.

A chill worked down my back at the thought, and I quickly shut it down before it could seep outward.

One way or another, I’d see soon. There was no use in freaking myself out in the meantime.

Chapter 10


Pain radiates out from my face and stomach. It was the first thing I recognized upon waking up, and immediately I burrowed deeper into the soft blankets underneath me.

What happened? I’d never ached like this before and I couldn’t hear Fig. Where’s Fig?

The memories hit all at once, the man looming over me and Fig’s unconscious figure on the floor ripping away any leftover drowsiness I may have felt.

I jerked upright, only to immediately regret it when molten pain crashed through me. Through that though, I heard a familiar voice.

“Easy, Bea. You’re safe. I’m right here.”

I’d recognize him anywhere and when I forced my watering eyes open again, there sat William. He looked…not great to be honest.

His eyes had deep bags under them, as if he hadn’t slept well in the past few weeks, and his skin was a few shades paler than was normal for him. There was also a new weight to his eyes, one that hadn’t been there when he’d been in my apartment a month ago.

My stomach twisted and I nodded, confusion hitting from all sides as I asked the first question that came to me.

“Is Fig okay? Where am I?”

He smiled, nodding to the other room. “Yeah, he’s still out of it. Devin and I got there in time to drag that slime off you before he did any lasting damage. I brought you to my apartment to rest and get away from the chaos of the investigation at your place.”

Then he frowned, eyes darkening with anger that wasn’t directed at me. “We were too late to stop those injuries, though.”
