Page 42 of Risking it All

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The last of my tension disappeared in a blink and Will pulled away. “I would have made dinner and had it waiting, but I wasn’t sure how you’d feel with me being in your place without you.”

Just like that, my heart melted.

Leaning against his side, I wrapped an arm around his waist in a hug and smiled. “I’m okay with that, but I appreciate you taking it into consideration. You already have a key, thanks to Devin, so if you stop by while I’m at work, feel free to head in and wait.”

It’d be more comfortable than sitting out here on the steps if nothing else.

He nodded, then stepped to the side so I could open the door. The second we were through, Fig was jumping up and down to greet us, his tail wagging a mile a minute.

I stroked between his ears, Will copying that before gently shutting the door. It was only after we’d both eaten and flopped onto my bed that his smile faded into worry.

“Bea, about the woman earlier-.”

I groaned internally, barely keeping it from becoming audible. I’d really hoped he would just drop that subject, but maybe that was too much to ask. Guilt was already starting to creep across his features and I rolled over, straddling him with a glare.

“We’ve already gone over this. It wasn’t your fault, I don’t blame you, and I’m going to find a way of making it so you don’t blame yourself either.”

He shook his head, not trying to move from his spot pinned underneath me.

“That’s going to take some doing because it’s definitely my fault.”

His mouth was set in a stubborn line and not for the first time, I bit back the urge to snarl. Did he have to be so.. him?

Dragging a hand through my hair, I took a deep breath and scowled. “It isn’t healthy for you to blame yourself anytime one of your past conquests bothers me. It’ll also put a strain on our relationship, and I’d just as soon not do that. Yes, they’re a pest, but not one I can’t ignore. Don’t let them get to you. It’ll all fizzle out soon.”

Some of the stubbornness eased out of him and he sighed. “Easier said than done.”

Yeah, it probably was. If our positions were reversed and it was my exes that were causing issues, I’d feel just as bad. That thought helped me cool off enough to soothe him.

“I know that, but try for me, okay?” I trailed a hand into his hair, combing it absentmindedly as he closed his eyes with a hum.

That wasn’t an answer, but I’d let it go for now. He wasn’t actively guilty anymore, so it was progress, no matter how small it felt.

Silence encased the room, and I took the opportunity to look at him. William was always up and moving, but now he was as calm as I ever saw him.

His hair was getting longer, almost reaching his ears now, and his eyes were shut. If I didn’t know better I’d think he was sleeping, but one of his eyes cracked open as if to contradict that.

He didn’t say anything, content to watch me as I did him. After a long minute, he cupped my cheek. His skin was calloused but not to the point of being unpleasant. He’d always been good with his hands, even when we were teens, and when his touch drifted back into my hair, pulling me down into a kiss, I hummed happily.

Those hands were still talented, but now I got to see them in a whole new field.

They massaged at the back of my neck, tangling into the soft hair there as he flicked his tongue over my lips. It was a request, but not an urgent one. We could keep the kiss innocent and roll over without a word of complaint from him.

But was that really what I wanted?

Pulling back enough to stare down at him, his shirt askew from my subconsciously wandering hands, I knew the answer.

No, I wanted more. After the display earlier with that woman, some part of me wanted to prove to myself that William was mine. Yes, he’d slept with a staggering amount of people before now, but he’d chosen something more with me.

That’s all that mattered.

Trailing a hand under his shirt, I leaned against his chest to pull him into another kiss. This one I deepened, relishing in the way we both sank into it.

I twined our tongues, all but buzzing with happiness when he groaned. The sound vibrated straight to my core and he pulled back to ask.

“Just to make sure I’m not misreading things, you’re not too tired for more, right?”

From below me, I could feel the thickness in his pants stirring to life, and in answer, I ground down onto him. He moaned, hands coming up to grip my sides and hold me in place as he bucked.

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