Page 62 of Risking it All

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My hands curled around his back, nails digging in absentmindedly as my legs locked around his waist. He sucked in a breath through his teeth, hips jerking forward and feeding another inch inside.

On his next thrust something shifted, the tiniest bit of resistance hitting before he sank all the way to the base. A mild sting lanced through my lower half, then melted away into the buzz of being connected like this.

I felt every twitch and jerk he gave, the heady sensation pulling a moan from me as he checked one last time.

“Still good?”

I nodded, pressing a sloppy kiss against his shoulder. “Keep going.” I groaned and he delivered, his grip shifting on my hip for better access. Then he was moving in earnest, rocking in and out while twisting to hit that swollen spot his fingers found before.

Lightning shot over my nerves and I choked out a string of noises. My hands scrambled for a hold before gripping tight onto him, trying to grind into each thrust while sensations threatened to drown me from all sides.

His hand slid between us, pressing a thumb firmly against the bundle of nerves at my entrance, and his name tumbled out of me.

That seemed to spur him on, his pace picking up as he gritted his teeth. “You’re awful for my stamina. I usually last much longer than this, but now I’m ready to-.”

He jerked inside me, finishing the thought, and I locked myself around him, trying to coerce every last drop out of him.

“Good, I won’t be the only one then,” I said, voice breathy as the sharp edge of tension inched closer with every rock of his hips. When he slammed to the base and ground his palm into me, I tipped over, everything mixing into white noise and pleasure.

He followed shortly with a groan, his hips heaving against mine one last time before dissolving into twitches. When the last wave hit he rolled us over, getting rid of the condom before pulling me up onto his chest.

I didn’t open my eyes yet, content to rest on his chest and soak in the new closeness this afforded us.

When I could somewhat think and breathe again, I hummed. “With how all my friends talked, I thought losing my virginity would hurt more.”

He shrugged, his chest still faintly shuddering as he wound a hand into my hair. “From what I’ve been told it varies between women.”

Good to know, though that did bring up a question.

Popping my chin up onto his chest so I could see him better, I asked. “I’m surprised that women would tell you something like that.”

He hesitated, eyeing me cautiously as if expecting me to snap about all the women he’d slept with before. When I didn’t, he relaxed and answered.

“Most of them were nice people, and it’s downright awful how many of them had shit first times.”

It didn’t surprise me in the slightest knowing what I did of people. Heck that was the very reason I’d never gotten serious about a relationship growing up.

Well that, and the undying crush on William.

Setting that aside for now, I cuddled up into his throat and hummed. “I’m glad mine was great,” I said against his skin.

His hand continued its circles against my back, the motion almost enough to lull me to sleep. Just as I teetered on the edge of unconsciousness though, he spoke.

“I am too, and Bea?”

I cracked an eye open to show I was listening and he continued.

“Thank you for staying. I know I haven’t made things easy from the start, but I’m happy I get to have this with you.”

My heart warmed and I nodded, lifting up onto my arms to kiss him.

“I knew going into this with you that it wouldn’t always be easy and that’s okay. Relationships seldom are. I’m sure there will be times I drive you up a wall, too. We’ll deal with those days as they appear. Together, right?”

He smiled, leaning his head against mine with a nod. “Together.”


The air all but sparked with energy and excitement. Kids ran by, occasionally bumping into us before racing off again, but we paid them no mind.
