Page 63 of Risking it All

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Will’s hand stayed firmly clasped in mine as we breezed down Main Street, the various colorful decorations and music assaulting my senses all at once.

I loved it.

The town had a few major festivals or carnivals every year, and it was finally time again. I’d even seen a few of my friends so far, though no one had time to really stop and talk yet.

Kimberley had managed a wave my way before she’d been dragged off by her little sister, Dennis following them both with an amused shake of his head.

A flash of long blonde hair announced Cecilia, her boyfriend–soon to be husband if the looks they were shooting at each other were any indication–happily latched to her arm as they wandered through the streets.

It’d been a while since I’d talked to either of them, almost since the puppy mill incident that’d inevitably brought them together, and I’d have to make sure to say hi at some point.

I hadn’t seen Alice around either, not since we’d arrived together and she’d taken off to check out everything the event had to offer.

Will assured me that was normal and that she’d make her way back to us later. I’d call her soon to check on her.

“Hey, you alright over there? You look lost in thought.”

I jerked, heat crawling up my cheeks as I took in his amused smile. “I’m fine, just happy to see so many people I care about enjoying themselves. Did you see Oliver and Jen?”

The last time I’d run into them at the grocery store, she’d been almost glowing, and I’d barely stopped myself from asking if she was expecting. Whether she was or not, it wasn’t my business, and when they felt like announcing such a thing, I’d hear it through the gossip.

He nodded, his arm sliding around my waist. “Yeah, they seem to be doing pretty good. I’m glad. The poor guy dealt with enough with that last chick he dated. Jen suits him.”

I’d said that more than once in regards to Oliver’s other attempt at a relationship, and seeing him happy was a relief. I’d never had reason to go into the gun shop he worked at, but when we inevitably ran into each other elsewhere, he was nothing but friendly.

The distant feeling of eyes on us made me look up, and I sighed at Dad’s penetrating stare. Will caught it too, and he snorted.

“Good to know that the second dinner didn’t ease that up any.” Still, he waved and after a beat, Dad reluctantly nodded back.

He wasn’t as wary of William after we’d tried the whole going out to eat thing again. Of course Dad had drilled him again, but this time William brushed off the topics as they came instead of getting flustered.

Mom was delighted to see the change and–after I pulled both of them to the side to tell them that we were working on any potential issues–they’d wished us the best.

Dad, however, was still a bit worried, as usual.

As if sensing the need for a distraction, Devin walked up to them and dragged Dad into a conversation about their most recent escapades while camping. Thankfully, that kept him occupied, and I turned back to Will with a nod.

The start to the newest dinner hadn’t been easy but we’d managed, and while they were far from buddies, Dad was at least open to knowing William.

It was a small step, but I’d take it.

His grip tightened around my waist, the only warning I had before someone crashed headlong into my side. The little girl jumped back, her dark hair tied in a braid as she blurted, “Sorry!”

Then she took off, a blond man chasing her with something between amusement and chiding. “Jasmine, that’s the third person you’ve run into today. Slow down.”

A woman followed the two of them, shaking her head at the scene but still smiling. Once they were gone, I laughed.

“I love this town; it’s so full of life.”

Will snorted but didn’t argue that. “It’s full of something alright.”

I nudged his side and he dipped to kiss me, cutting off any mild reprimand I would have given.

“It has you, and that’s what matters.” He said when he pulled away.

Snaking an arm up and around his neck, I dragged him down into a longer kiss. Our noses were inches apart afterward, and I smiled. “No urge to run screaming?” I teased, and he rolled his eyes.

“Nope, and it’ll never happen. Now come on, I’m starving.”

I let him drag me into the crowd, feeling light and airy with every step. There would definitely be hard times in the future, but we’d manage.

We were together. Everything else could be handled as it happened.

