Page 37 of Killer Sins

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Tai clasped her hand gently before releasing it. “Anytime.”

He blew out a breath and sat back in his chair, studying her with an enigmatic expression. Her cheeks heated under his frank gaze. She busied herself straightening her silverware, heartbeat skittering faster.

Get a grip! She scolded herself. Just because the man cleaned up nicely didn’t mean she should moon over him like a smitten schoolgirl.

No matter how attractive she found both his looks and his steadfast loyalty toward Graham, Tai wasn’t here for her. He was merely playing a role to keep her safe. She had to remember that.

Eager to change the subject, she sat back with a contented, “That was incredible. Mason is wasted in security. He could be a chef anywhere.”

Tai swiped up a last smear of frosting from his plate, clearly savoring it. “No doubt. Don’t tell him that, though. We’d lose our best close combat operative.” He shook his head ruefully. “Meanwhile, my cooking is strictly utilitarian. Anything beyond opening a can feels like gourmet to me.”

Tenaya laughed. “I’m the same way. My cooking repertoire is basically cereal, frozen pizza, or takeout.”

“Two of my favorite food groups,” Tai said.

“Mine too!”

They grinned at each other, the realization that they shared this small thing delighting Tenaya irrationally. After the past days of tension, seeing Tai’s smile directed warmly at her made her pulse skitter faster.

She tamped down the flare of attraction sternly. Getting closer to the man playing her fake husband was dangerous territory she could not afford to venture into.

Tai’s smile faded as he glanced toward the roof’s edge. “We should probably head back downstairs before it gets much colder.”

Tenaya busied herself blowing out the candles while Tai stacked dishes. The domestic rituals felt oddly intimate. This whole fake marriage scenario was playing tricks on her emotions that she needed to get under control.

Hands full of plates, he grinned impishly. “So, I have to admit, even with the rough start, being fake-married isn’t the complete disaster I pictured. The undercover part I can handle. It’s pretending to be a smug trust funder that grates.” His nose wrinkled. “The shiny gym though? That was rough. All those strangers wanting to make small talk.” He gave an exaggerated shudder.

She made a face. “It’s called being friendly.”

“It’s called torture.”

Their laughter spilled over the rooftop. Feeling bold, she tilted her head, regarding him curiously. “You know, you military types aren’t what I expected.”

He lifted one black brow. “Do tell?”

“Under all that fierceness, you’re more...nuanced than I realized.” Heat crept up her neck under his steady regard. She traced her fingertip along the edge of the tabletop.

“Most guys I know would never have been as gracious about me trash talking their mentor.” She risked a glance up through her lashes. “I misjudged you. And for that I’m sorry.”

Tai blinked, looking slightly taken aback. “I appreciate that. For the record, I could have been less judgmental myself.” He huffed a soft laugh. “Chalk it up to culture clash? Your world and mine don’t have much overlap.”

“No kidding.” Tenaya smiled. “But I meant what I said. Your loyalty is admirable. As is your protectiveness toward people in need.” Like me, she added silently.

He rubbed the back of his neck, faint color rising on his sharp cheekbones. Was the unflappable soldier actually flustered? Tenaya bit back a grin, oddly delighted at cracking his stoic facade.

After a moment Tai dropped his hand, dark eyes glinting with humor. “Why Miss Washington. That almost sounded like a compliment.”

She narrowed her eyes playfully. “Don’t let it go to your head.”

His answering grin made her heart squeeze in the most alarming fashion.

Pulse skittering, she turned away to hide her flaming cheeks. Being dazzled by his smile would only lead to trouble.

Before she could say anything more dangerous, Tai’s phone buzzed loudly. He glanced at the screen, humor vanishing. “It’s Bridger. Hang on.”

He set the stack of dishes down and tapped the speakerphone button. “What’s up?”

“Head’s up,” Bridger’s voice crackled through the speaker. “There’s a dude with binoculars watching you from a window in the building across the way. Get off the roof now.”
