Page 38 of Killer Sins

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Tenaya’s breath seized in her lungs. She gripped the table edge for balance.

Tai was already moving, gently grasping her elbow to steer her toward the stairwell. “Heading down to the condo now,” he said into the phone. “Sit rep?”

“White male, age indeterminate.” Paige’s voice was calm over the speaker. “No weapons visible, but he is definitely staring your way. I’m checking into the registered owners now.”

“Copy that. I’ll be back on comms ASAP.” Tai kept his voice calm and authoritative, but Tenaya didn’t miss the banked fury in his eyes. Her knees shook, alarm shooting through her.

Was it Zhezhnov? Just the thought of his malevolent gaze tracking them made bile rise in her throat. Her body vibrated so hard her teeth rattled.

Tai ended the call, shoved the phone into his pocket, and grasped her shoulders, turning her until his back was to the building across the way, shielding her with his body. He leaned in until their foreheads touched. The warmth of his breath sent a jolt of electricity zinging straight down her neck, despite her anxiety.

“Paige is monitoring the footage from my drones.” He spoke softly, almost a whisper. “The team’s got this. Take a breath. We need to sell this relationship. It looks like we’ve got the creep’s attention. This is what we wanted, right?”

Tenaya tried to slow her panicked gasps. Tai’s steadying hands transmitted warmth, easing her racing pulse.

Resolve hardened his jaw. “No way that creep gets near you.”

Tenaya pulled back just enough to meet his gaze and searched his fierce expression, drawing courage from the banked rage in his dark eyes. Tai would protect her or die trying. Strange how the thought fortified rather than frightened her.

She managed a shaky nod. “I know.”

He gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze before dropping his hands. “Good. Pick up those plates. I’ll be right behind you with the rest. Head straight for the stairwell. You wanna look eager to head inside, but not terrified, copy?”

“Right.” She picked up the pile of plates. Her hands shook, making them rattle.

Tai scooped up the rest of the dishes. “Almost there,” he murmured. “Deep breaths.”

He stayed close as they descended the concrete stairs. Her knees shook, but she gritted her teeth and focused on each step. At the bottom, Tai set down his pile of dishes and then grabbed hers. “I’ll come back for these in a sec.” He unholstered his weapon and led the way toward the elevator. The doors couldn’t close too quickly.

In the hallway outside her apartment, he pulled her into a shadowed alcove and pressed close, shielding her body with his. “Wait here. I’ll clear the rooms.”

Before she could respond he was gone, moving silently down the hall.

Less than a minute later he was back, features set in grim lines. Without a word he grasped her hand firmly and guided her down the hallway and inside. After easing the door shut, he pressed her against the wall by the foyer.

“Stay put.” His soft command brooked no argument.

Tenaya’s heart hammered as he vanished into the darkened living room. The room went pitch black as he drew the curtains. She couldn’t see a thing, but heard him return moments later.

His big hand engulfed hers again. “Okay, come on in.”

She moved on trembling legs farther into the apartment, trusting Tai’s lead. He deposited her near the kitchen island before the room lit up again as he switched on the pendant lights.

Tenaya sagged onto a barstool, adrenaline crashing through her while Tai did another circuit of the rooms, checking doors and windows. “I’m back on comms. Interior is secure. Excellent. Good to know,” she heard him say.

Weapon holstered again, he returned to stand before her and rolled his eyes. “False alarm. The dude with the binos isn’t a weirdo. Well, okay, maybe he is, but he’s watching owls, not us.”


“Great horned owls. Paige confirmed that they’re nesting on the south corner of the building. A big deal in the world of ornithology, apparently.”

A bird watcher. Relief flooded her, but it didn’t sweep away the jitters. Anxiety clung to her limbs like mud.

Tai’s eyes narrowed. “You doing alright?”

She tried to answer but emotion clogged her throat. Her roiling belly and chattering teeth seemed answer enough.
