Page 39 of Killer Sins

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Tai grasped her icy hands between his warm ones. “Just breathe. You’re safe now.”

She focused on inhaling and exhaling slowly until the tremors abated. Tai’s callused thumbs made soothing circles over the backs of her hands. The tender touch steadied her jangling nerves.

Finally the shakes subsided. She offered him a wobbly smile. “I’m okay. Thank you.”

Tai gave her hands a final squeeze. “All part of the service.” His grin flashed white in the low light.

Before Tenaya could respond, a knock sounded at the door. “It’s the team.” He vanished down the hall, returning with Graham and Fenn on his heels.

Seeing her distress, Graham stepped forward, expression softening into concern. “You alright, kid?”

Tenaya shied away, pulse kicking up again. The man meant well but she couldn’t handle his solicitude right now. She just wanted this whole nightmare to end.

An awkward silence fell, no one quite meeting each other’s eyes. After an endless moment, Fenn cleared his throat.

“We’ll let you get some rest.” He clapped Tai on the back. “See you at 0600 to strategize.”

“Copy that.” Tai nodded, his gaze connecting with Tenaya’s. “It’s time to take the fight to Zhezhnov.”

“Absolutely.” She was tired of these ping ponging emotions. Enough.

Graham hesitated but finally moved toward the door with a gruff, “Hang in there.”

Tenaya stared at the floor, unable to watch him go. Why did everything have to be so fraught and painful between them? A fresh wave of despair swamped her.

The door clicked shut, leaving her alone with Tai. He turned from securing the locks and frowned at her slumped posture. “You need to get some rest.”

She glanced up wearily. “I’m too wired to sleep.”

Tai settled on the other barstool facing her, knees brushing hers. “Sorry if we freaked you out with this rooftop thing.” Regret tinged his tone. “Seemed like a good idea at the time. Especially since I owed you a huge apology. I was a jerk yesterday. I’m sorry.”

So was she. But she didn’t have it in her to make such a gracious apology at the moment. She managed a shaky laugh. “It’s okay. The view was worth it…until everything went sideways.”

For a short time up there beneath the stars, the rest of the chaotic world had fallen away.

A wistful look flashed across Tai’s face, as if the same memory surfaced for him. Then his eyes darkened, mouth flattening into a grim line. “Doesn’t matter. It was stupid to make you so exposed. That was my mistake.”

Seeing his anger directed inward, Tenaya leaned forward to lay a hand on his forearm. His skin was feverishly warm beneath her palm.

“It was a great idea. We’re supposed to be trying to engage Zhezhnov.” She waited until his gaze met hers, willing him to believe her words. “You were just doing your job.”

Tai searched her face, tension slowly leaving his rigid frame under her steady regard. He covered her hand where it still rested on his arm and gave it a gentle squeeze.

They sat without speaking for a long moment, taking comfort in each other’s nearness. Tenaya reluctantly drew her hand back, immediately missing the connection.

Tai didn’t seem to notice. “So tomorrow’s the McCray deposition at your office?” he asked after a beat.

The mundane question grounded her. No doubt his intention. She latched onto the distraction gratefully. “Yup.”

A dangerous glint lit Tai’s eyes. “I’ll make a dramatic entrance. Be prepared for some serious personal displays of affection. Then I whisk you off to that charity dinner, right?” He made a face. “Man, I hate black tie.”

She snorted silently, eyeing the well-dressed hunk of man in front of her. No way in the world her heart could be prepared for any displays of affection from him. The required tux would only make it worse.

“I’m gonna get the dishes.” Tai headed out of the condo. “It’s probably time to wash up and hit the hay.”

Sleep would be a long time coming, but she knew Tai well enough now to realize he wouldn’t sleep until she did, so she headed around the breakfast bar to start washing up.

She’d just loaded the first plates in the dishwasher when her phone buzzed on the counter. An incoming text. She tensed, images of dead roses and chilling notes flashing through her mind. She grabbed a dishtowel, then reached for the phone with a shaky hand but stopped herself from unlocking it.
