Page 33 of Mine

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Then my belting truly started.

I had thought he was using it harshly before. I thought each lash hurt. What came next made me realize how thoroughly gentle he’d been so far.

The next lash made me cry out.

The belt whipped across my bottom firmly and far more quickly than before. He lashed from the tops of my cheeks all the way down to the middles of my thighs, which I swiftly learned stung more than all the rest.

I tried to stay quiet.

I couldn’t.

Honestly, I only managed to stay quiet for, at most, a few more lashes before my cries echoed off the walls. He didn’t slow down once that began either.

In fact, the belt started falling that much faster.

It whipped the lower curve of my cheeks so thoroughly that I keened, the sting almost more than I could bear. The tip of the belt cut through the air again and again. I could feel the welts rising from every lash, burning hotter and hotter as my whipping went on and on for what felt like forever.

He thrashed me so thoroughly that my eyes started to water, and I started begging for mercy.

“Please,” I pleaded, my voice breaking with emotion.

“I’m not through with you,” he demanded, and another strike of the belt cracked against my bare cheeks.

I didn’t care that he could see my pussy. I didn’t care that I was probably wetter than before. I just wanted the belting to stop.

“Please, Nikolaos,” I begged.

“Address me properly when I’m taking my belt to your bare ass,” he growled.

“Please, sir,” I whimpered, but my spanking didn’t end there. Instead, he focused solely on my upper thighs, and the true gravity of how little control I had right now hit me.

This wasn’t going to end when I wanted it to. It was already far past that. Now, it was only going to stop when he’d decided I’d had enough and not a moment before.

I was completely powerless.

A fresh wave of panic spiraled through me, and I struggled hard, but with the belt falling and his thorough hold on me, I couldn’t escape even a single lash.

I couldn’t make this stop.

He’s in control, and that’s what’s making your little pussy so fucking wet right now.

I wailed as my pussy tightened, my abs clenching with desire. My eyes watered, and I tried to blink my tears away.

“You’re going to let me take care of you, aren’t you, Maci-girl?” he asked, his voice dangerously dark.

“Yes, sir,” I wailed. I rocked my hips back and forth, and the belt bit down right on the fullest part, causing a surge of desire to race through my core.

“Good. Now I’m going to finish your belting and make sure you never forget that,” he declared, and my stomach launched right up into my throat. Nervous anxiety roiled through me, but there was no time to think as that terrible leather strap truly began to punish me.

There was nothing other than my bare ass and his belt, nothing more in the world besides the two of us right now.

Every welt burned with fiery agony. My entire ass felt like it had been stung by a thousand needles or like I had sat straight down in a fire. I whimpered when one strike bit right underneath my right ass cheek and a matching one followed on the other side.

Pain twisted with pleasure, and I lost myself for a moment, freefalling in a place of helplessness with no end in sight.

With every lash, I cried out.

Soon my cries became sobs, and before I could do anything to stop them, tears were rolling down my cheeks. My body shook as I slumped over the couch, and my back arched, presenting myself for his punishment as much as I could in hopes he would grant me mercy.
