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“You want to do what?” I asked.

It was the next morning, and Jacob had woken me up by pounding on my door at five in the morning.

“I want us to have a contest to see who wins Millie. Whoever doesn’t win swears to leave her alone for the rest of his life,” he said.

Did he just say what I thought he said? A contest?

“Look, I’ve laid it all out,” he said, pulling out a piece of paper from his pocket.

“Of course, you have.” Jacob and his plans.

He arched his brow at me, impatient. “Do you want her or not?”

I bared my teeth at him. “Of course, I do.”

“Then listen to me and stop making snide comments.”

I sighed and gestured at him to continue. I listened to his rules, but after the second one, I couldn’t take it anymore. “You’ve thought this all through.”

“At least one of us is thinking it through. And we must also agree to leave the other alone when they’re on their date.”

“Why don’t we just meet her somewhere and tell her what’s up?” The more I thought about it, the more I wanted to go down this route. I didn’t like the idea of another man courting my mate.

“Tell her what’s up? Are you crazy? What are we going to tell her? That we’re both wolf shifters and you’re our mate, but you can only choose one of us?”

Okay, that sounded absurd and would scare her away. “Of course not! You’re the one who’s crazy, coming up with this stupid plan of courting her as a contest.”

“Well, can you think of anything better?” he shot back.

“Yeah! You back off, and I court her solo.” All this planning was not what I wanted to do. I wanted to have Millie in my arms. The thought of her in Jacob’s was making me see red. He must have been feeling the same because he pounced. I easily side-stepped him.

Enough was enough. If Jacob wanted to plan this courting, then so be it. But he better watch out, because I was going to plan a magnificent first date with Millie.

“May the best man win,” I said, then I headed out the door, slamming it behind me.

Jacob roared behind me. I smiled, aware that all I had to do was keep a cool head. Maybe this would work in my favor. It had to, because she was mine and only mine.


“You met him?” Charli asked, floating down to my level and staring straight into my eyes. “You really met the guy in your vision?”

I nodded, a bit concerned Charli seemed worried. Was it possible for a ghost to go pale? “He was at the art gallery and bought some of Dad’s paintings.”

Charli seemed frozen, and I reached out to her. “Is something wrong?”

At my ‘touch,’ she flew in an arc around the room, giving the impression she needed to let off some steam. Landing back in front of me, she said, “Your vision is coming true, and you are not ready to receive it.”

Oh! I hadn’t thought of that. I’d been so absorbed in the feelings Bruno brought out in me that I’d forgotten I still didn’t know why he was in my visions. But, by the sounds of things, now I didn’t want to know, not if it brought a bad omen.

“No time for you to relax today. We must go and practice immediately.” She swooshed away, not disappearing this time, and I took this as her way of saying she wanted me to follow her.

No. No, no, no. What if I see something about Bruno I won’t like? What if he dies? Okay, that might be too dramatic, but the thought of Bruno brought such intense emotions that I wasn’t used to them. I wanted him in my life—it felt so right standing next to him. I didn’t want to think about anything bad happening to him, or us.

“Lira! Are you coming?” Charli called from the kitchen. “I have a treat for you.”

She knew me well. I bet there was a tray of blueberry muffins sitting on the kitchen counter to entice me to do her bidding. I sighed, knowing she would just keep pestering me until I agreed. Taking a deep breath, I headed to the kitchen.

“Someone’s extra happy today,” I said, coming into my sister’s kitchen after my morning shower. Millie was dancing in circles around the room, spatula in hand while the eggs fried in the pan.
