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“It isn’t a first look. Xeva said you had seen me before I went to lunch with you.”

“Oh, after you got me back here?”

“Correct. The healer said that the damage you were experiencing was due to you using multiple activations at once.”

She nodded. “I am also out of practice. My synapses need to get used to the multiple pathways. It will come in time.”

“I would prefer that you do it with the guidance of another healer.”

“I would prefer that your erection wasn’t trying to burrow through my hip. Is it actually moving on its own?” She locked gazes with him.

He shrugged, and though his complexion showed nothing, his body language said he was embarrassed. “It literally has a mind of its own. It comes with my affinity to the sea.”

She nodded. “Of course it does.”

“So, is there anything about the islands that you want to learn?”

“To swim, to surf, fishing. And the most important one. How to relax.”

He nodded. “I can help you learn those things. Jeron was telling me that they have a beginner pool that he taught Xeva in.”

She blinked. “Okay. Xeva told me I should make a list.”

He grinned. “I can help with that.”

“I want things that I can do without other people. I have been stuck without being able to control my own body for too long.”

He nodded. “I understand. So, we need to get you to a calm state before your heat kicks in.”

“I am calm... ish.” She grinned.

“You are. You faced an island-killing wave with the determination of a defending goddess.”

“And you got all of the critters out of the way so only that poor reef took damage. I still feel bad about that.” She sighed and then perked up. “I got Revakka’s botany activation. I wonder if it works underwater. Oh, I wonder if I have any water-breathing activations.”

“You have mine.”

“Yours is inherited, so it isn’t an activation, per se. The Hyreno have become a race.”

He nodded. “So, you can’t copy a race.”

“Nope. I don’t copy, my synapses memorize. I have an archive of powers and activations and can make most of them happen. Some I can’t because I don’t have the physical makeup for it, but others are fairly easy.”

“So, becoming a giant?”

“Easy. I just stretched myself out and held my body together with a telekinetic field. That is my inheritance.”

She sighed. “Okay, we have had our chat; you have left your mark. I would like to be near Xeva. She might be used to injury, but getting the marks is different.”

He smiled. “Fine. I believe we have had a productive chat.”

He took her hand and helped her to her feet.

As she walked back to the shop, she looked down at their hands and was swamped by thousands and thousands of images of their future. She saw family gatherings, nieces, nephews, and lots of smiling faces. Familiar smiling faces. Sibling smiling faces. “Holy shit.”

“What is it?”

“I need to talk to Xeva right now.” She walked fast, and he barely needed to stretch his legs to keep up with her.
