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Beatrix chuckled. “I didn’t block you. I said I could. I use it on young omegas who come to the island. It wears off in two years and gives them time to seek an alpha without their heat making the decision for them.” She sighed. “They can also finish growing up.”

Yukaro blinked. “Ah.”

Haurel shrugged. “A lot of alphas didn’t want to take I’m fifteen for an answer. So, Mom stepped in, kicked their asses, and then locked me down.”

Beatrix grinned. “But you didn’t come here for our stories. What can I offer you?”

Yukaro blinked at the change of conversation. “Um. Three kilos of honey.”

Haurel smiled, got the containers together, and put them into a net bag. “There you go, sir.”

He nodded. “Thank you. May I ask, Miss Beatrix, why you and the others seem to have gathered here?”

Beatrix laughed. “Because all seers indicate this is the one place no one would look. We could gain control of our activations in the old lava fields and the open ocean. Alphas don’t come looking because seers outside our bloodline can’t see us. The few of us who are omegas make sure that we keep out of sight when unsuitable males are prowling around.”

Ysma frowned. “Are there many unsuitable alphas?”

“Oh, certainly. They are just more aggressive than the average male. Tenacious, too.”

Yukaro chuckled. “We are. I would apologize, but it let me scent Ysma.”

Ysma shrugged, “And I like the way he smells, too.”

Beatrix nodded. “And that is a good thing, but to be hauled to the stronghold and presented with male after male until one finally sparks their senses is fucking annoying.”

Yukaro blinked. “You were taken?”

“Yeah, but I was betrothed and escaped. So that’s that.”

Ysma stared. “You were betrothed?”

“Yeah. I was seventeen. He was going off to active service. We weren’t even in contact. The lab sent me to the stronghold in one of their treaty efforts. I waited until he left the stronghold for five days, and then I escaped to the island after picking up the girls in the transport. I am not a fan of lack of options.”

Yukaro asked, “But you went through a betrothal ceremony?”


“At the stronghold.”


“Was there blood exchanged?”

“A pinprick on my finger. Why?”

“It usually makes you trackable.”

Beatrix smirked. “I have very thick shielding.”

He blinked.

She sighed. “You are going to make a call, aren’t you? Is it like some twisted bro code thing?”

Ysma stared at Yukaro. “You are going to call someone? Who?”

Beatrix smiled. “The stronghold. He’s going to try and find the poor sucker I was matched to.”

Haurel frowned. “Won’t he try and take you away?”
