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“Some of them are married.”

“That is true, and they have babies. The marks they wear are foundling marks.” She smiled. “Beatrix can explain it.”

Revakka gasped. “She’s one of them? There were over a dozen of them. They are the children of the island.”

“When you see us side by side, you will figure it out very quickly.”

“So, it was them that Stone wanted to invite?”

“He has his eye on Haurel.”

Revakka smiled. “Ah. Right. She’s sweet.”

“I am glad you think so. Both of them seem a little fixated when the other is mentioned.”

“How will we keep them apart until she’s out of school?”

“Beatrix has it covered. He won’t make any serious moves until she’s in heat, and Beatrix can stall that until it is more appropriate.”

Revakka relaxed. “Okay. That’s helpful. Now, you stay out here. The party is beginning, and you and the other kids are responsible for greeting everyone.”

A line of people was walking out through the hills, carrying bowls and platters. Torches were lit on the beach and around the low tables that had been set up, and the party began.

Chapter Nine

Xeva stood on the beach and watched the team shuttle slowly glide to a halt on the water. Jeron was next to her and standing as the island’s defender.

The door opened, and the team emerged. Remark flew out and was carrying Zella.

Xeva raised a brow. “Ah, the little bitch sister. Why are you here?”

Zella blinked. “Sister?”

“Oh, yes. I am X. You are Z.”

“I am looking for my twin, Ysma,” Zella whispered. “I need her. I can’t be a hero without her.”

“She is not your twin. You turned her into your symbiote. Regardless, she has defended herself against you, and you cannot access her body to your benefit again.”

Torun, Zera, and three other active team members were now behind Remark and Zella.

Zera’s eyes glowed happily. “Xeva. You are well?”

“Yes, I am. I am also astonished to find that I have so many siblings.” Xeva smiled. “And I have family. Lots of family. Nieces and nephews. Brothers-in-law. Two sisters-in-law. And all of them on this island.” She looked at Zera. “Who knew?”

Zera blushed. “It was necessary. We couldn’t get you all out. My parents were unable to pull that off. Making one transport disappear was relatively easy.”

“Of course. Now, on to Zella. Get her pasty ass on the shuttle, and get her out of here.”

Zella squirmed, and Remark put her down. “No. I need her to be a team member. I need her so I can be an agent.”

Torun cleared his throat and said, “The contract requires a resignation in writing.”

Ysma’s voice called out, “What contract?” Ysma and Yukaro walked slowly from the shadows.

Zella stared and swallowed.

Xeva smiled as the shock of Ysma’s appearance sank into the team. She was cute, petite, super sexy, and, of course, she had feline eyes.
