Page 19 of Mystic Mate

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“I’m Salem, but then, I suspect you know that. As you’re not wearing protective clothing, and you’re out here in the bright sunshine with your bulging muscles and all, I’m going to assume you’re one of the good guys, and that your alpha has you and your buddies holed up in the place across the street. It’s down the block, but it does give you a good visual on both the front and back of my place.”

He stopped jogging. “I don’t know what…”

Salem waved her hand. “Don’t. Just don’t. Insulting my intelligence is not going to earn you or your alpha points with me. I have to hand it to you; it wasn’t until the third day I noticed you and did a little surveillance of my own. At first, I was a little pissed, but then I decided to make the benign assumption that Cullen believes I am in danger and was trying to help.”

The guy managed to look shamefaced. “He was concerned for your safety.”

“I actually believe that. Why don’t I just cut to the chase… take me to your leader.”

“You want to see the alpha? I can let him know…”

Salem shook her head. “That isn’t how this is going to work. I need to speak with him and believe it is safer if we do it at his place. There are too many people here in Kenai that might spot him. He’s not exactly hard to miss. So, you either take me to him, or you guys go on the bad guys list, and I disappear.”

The jogger shook his head and grinned. “Are you ready to go now? We have a plane.”

“Of course you do,” Salem laughed. “It’s not one of those little prop planes, is it? I hate those things.”

“No, ma’am, it is a small jet, and we have a very skilled pilot.”

“Good enough. I’ll just grab my purse.”

“I would suggest that you bring enough with you for a few days. It is a long flight, and my guess is the two of you have much to discuss. Ghost Moon Manor is a large house with lovely guest accommodations.”

“Do you need to check with him?”

“No. The alpha was fairly sure you would figure out we were here, but I think he was hoping it would take you a little longer.”

“So, he’s known where I was since the incident?”

The jogger nodded. “He intended to contact you in the next day or so to set up a meeting. He was planning to come here, and I’m sure he would be happy to do so.”

“I believe you. But I also believe we’re all probably a great deal safer if we are somewhere we can better control access and visibility.”

“I give you my word, you will be safe at Ghost Moon Manor.”

“Good enough.” She extended her hand. “I’m Salem, and you are?”

He took her hand, shaking it. “I am Miska. It means little bear.”

“Curious name for a wolf.”

He grinned. “We wolves are famous for our humor.”

“Somehow I doubt that’s what people think of when they think arctic wolf-shifter.”

“Then perhaps I will have to change your perception of us.”

“Do you think you can?

“Maybe not me, but I am rather sure our alpha can and will. He can be a very persuasive individual.”

Salem chuckled. “I’ll just bet he can.”

That was no joke. Salem was pretty damn sure the hunky alpha could persuade her to believe anything. That might become a problem in the future. But for now, she was willing to go on a little faith, and her gut said believing in Cullen was her best bet to negate the threat of the vampires and the Shadow League and stay alive.


