Page 37 of Mystic Mate

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“Sweetheart, you can ask my pack to do anything you like. What’s the old Spanish saying, mi casa, su casa?” She nodded. “Well, my pack is yours. You can ask them to do anything.”

“I thought you alphas were supposed to be all powerful, all controlling.”

“I am. I said you could ask, but I didn’t say that they would comply without checking with me if it sounds a little dicey.”

Salem rolled her eyes. “You’re impossible.”

“And your point is?” He kissed her gently. “Let’s get back home. Colby’s estate may be safe, but wolves are far more savage than lynxes.”

They returned to the plane and waited until Cullen’s men had ensured no one had been able to tamper with it. As the plane rolled down the runway and lifted off, Salem wondered why it was with everything going on around her, she’d never felt more content in her life.



When the plane touched down, Salem smiled. Waiting for them was Sampson hitched to a carriage.

“You didn’t have to do that,” she said.

“If it produces that smile, of course I do.”

Normally, big dramatic, romantic gestures amused or annoyed her. In this case, she found it lovely and feared she might never be content to go back to what she thought of as a ‘normal’ relationship. She couldn’t yet see how she and Cullen could work long term, but for now it was a lovely interlude in her life. It was one she was sure she would look back on with extreme fondness, and maybe even a smidgeon of sadness.

He helped her into the carriage and clucked to Sampson, who trotted off in a strong, sure stride. He took a longer, more circuitous route from the landing strip to the stables. Once again, he handed Sampson off to one of the stable boys before sweeping her up in his arms and carrying her up to the house amid laughter and teasing from his pack and her own mirth. It was silly and completely out of place in the current situation, but she happily wrapped her arms around his neck.

Jinx trotted out of the house. “Hey, I got into some of those encrypted files. There’s some weird shit in there. Salem, Lettie said if we wanted to take a look at them, she’d bring us food in the study.”

Cullen set her down outside the kitchen door as Shaw stepped outside. “Problem?” Cullen asked him.

“No, Alpha, just pack business.”

“Oh, for god’s sake, Shaw, I have no secrets from Salem. Spit it out.”

“It’s not Salem he’s worried about,” said Jinx. “He’s worried about frightening the dainty she-wolves, most of whom can match any warrior in the pack. Lucian Hendrix is saber rattling, and Shaw wants to know what you want to do about it. Shaw is in favor of answering threat for threat.”

Salem laughed at the apoplectic look on Shaw’s face. “So, Jinx, what do you think?”

“I think the alpha should let Lucian know the tigress is no longer here, and the Shadow Sisters have whisked her away. That ought to make ole Lucian blow a gasket. If we work it right, maybe we could get a drone to film it. Might make for good viewing.”

“You’re a menace,” growled Shaw.

“Don’t you call my new best friend a menace. So, Jinx—ever met a dragon? My other best friend is married to a member of the Phantom Fire.”

“No shit? Do you think I could meet him? Phantom Fire history and lore has been a hobby of mine for years. I’d love to pick his brain to separate fact from fiction.”

Linking her arm with Jinx’s, Salem headed into the house to the sound of Shaw growling and Cullen laughing. As the big, bad alpha was laughing, she figured they were safe. Arm-in-arm, they strolled into the house, grabbed a couple of Diet Cokes from Lettie, and headed into the study.

Inside the door, Salem stopped. The antique kidney shaped desk had been replaced by a large antique partners’ desk with matching chairs on either side.

“When did this happen?” Salem asked her new friend.

“While you were gone. The alpha asked Lettie to make some changes to his office and to the primary suite. At the alpha’s request, your things have been moved into his room. If you’re not okay with that, you need to leave tonight. There’s a small group of us that can help you.”

“You’re one of the Shadow Sisters? Who are they, anyway?” asked Salem.

“Depends on who you ask. Most of the men will tell you they’re a bunch of rogue female shifters who wouldn’t operate on the level they do without Colby Reynolds’ help and support. But the fact is, we’ve existed for centuries. What we do is help female shifters—and humans sometimes—get to safety—setting them up with new lives and protection if they need it.”

“The female shifters need help, don’t they? My boss says shifters are a misogynistic feudal society ruled by male shifters who think of nothing but their own pleasure.”
