Page 48 of Mystic Mate

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“You know, I’m starting to worry that I liked that.”

Cullen chuckled. “You have no idea what those words do to me. There is so much I can show you, but for now, I need you to go stay with Shaw and do as he tells you.”

“Yes, my alpha,” she said mockingly.

When she was out of earshot, he switched to a channel only he and Shaw had access to. “The spell or whatever it was is wearing off. She’s exhausted. The only thing that’s keeping her on her feet is stubbornness and pride. You and she need to be in the first group to be taken back to the manor.”

“Wouldn’t you rather go with her?”

“Yes, but I think it will be better if she’s with you. If I’m there she’s going to try and do everything I do. If I’m not, I’m hoping Jinx and Lettie can get her to take care of herself. Let them know she’s coming and that she’ll most likely be in transition before sunrise.”

“She really was magnificent,” said Shaw. “Your mate will be a credit to both you and our pack. She will make a fine mistress.”

Cullen smiled. “She already is.”

He could hear the choppers moving in. Each had a medic on board. They would triage the prisoners and determine who went on the first transport out, who went on the second, and who would be airlifted out when the first chopper returned for a second trip.

Switching back to the regular comm channel, Cullen ordered the last chopper to wait for the explosion and his signal before dislodging enough rock that the Sanguine Mine and whatever evil it held within its bowels would be sealed forever.



When they’d retrieved Mason Payne and the other prisoners from the mill, it had been easy to extract information. Mason was a trained operative and had been with that group from almost the start. This group was not only larger but was completely unknown to them. One-by-one, Cullen and Colby began to interview them. It might have been better to have a larger team do it, but he felt anything more than two might be overwhelming. This group had been treated roughly and had seen far too much.

Salem was now upstairs resting. The moment he arrived home, he could feel her presence coming from the dining hall. The bonding link between them was strong. She had been busy seeing to those they’d rescued from the Sanguine Mine, ignoring Shaw completely. Salem was on a roll and seemed to have stepped into the role of mistress without missing a step.

She’d commandeered the dining hall to feed people and had two of their medical staff doing triage—helping those who needed it either in the great room or down at their medical facility. Lettie, who Cullen had thought would be on his side, was instead at Salem’s side, helping her—a kind word here, a bottle of water there, something to eat. His mate had also arranged for those who wanted it to be able to take a shower and had found clean clothes for everyone.

Most didn’t see past the bright smile and caring personality. Cullen was not ‘most.’

“I thought I told you to rest,” he grumbled at her. It was hard to be angry with her when he was so damn proud of the way she handled herself—moving from warrior to mistress seamlessly.

“You did, but these people need our help,” she answered without so much as looking up.

He looked at Lettie. “I expected you to see she did as she was told.”

Lettie looked up at him and laughed. “Shaw tried that, and she kicked him in the shin.”

He turned on Salem. “You kicked him in the shin?”

Smiling, she said, “Yep. I figured you’d think it was better than me kicking him in the nuts or punching him in the nose. When I asked Shaw about it, he agreed I made the better choice. Now take your growly self away and let me work. I think you’re scaring our guests.”

With that, she and Lettie moved on to the next person, leaving him standing alone.

“It’s all right, Alpha. My shin will heal and she’s right, she took the best of the three options she offered me.”

“She is supposed to be resting. For god’s sake, Shaw, I expected you to see my orders were followed. She’s going into transition.”

“First, I didn’t see that as an actual order. Second, I have no authority over her, and she knows it. And last, but certainly not least, did you miss the part where she kicked me? She isn’t exactly a meek and mild mistress. Lettie is aware and has been within arm’s reach of her since we returned. The medics are keeping an eye on her as well, and she does seem to be a soothing presence to these folks.” Shaw shook his head. “God knows they need that most of all. The horror of what they lived through…”

Shaw had a point. Well, actually several. “I’ll leave you in charge up here. She’s not doing as well as you think. I can feel her exhaustion. I’ll go start interviewing some of those we rescued. Hopefully they can help us figure out what the vampires were planning and what they might do next.”

“I’ll keep an eye on her.”

“If you need me, let me know.”

With a last glance at his mate, he left her in Lettie and Shaw’s capable hands and went to join Colby in the study he and Salem now shared. It was silly how such a small thing as acknowledging that they now shared the study made him happy. She could be difficult and reckless, but she had confidence, courage, and intelligence. His mate was a woman to be admired and respected.
