Page 66 of Ignited

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“Iwant you to have this.” G pressed something cool and metallic into my palm, closing my fingers around it. When I opened my hand, I stared down at the tarnished gold band, my eyes widening.

“This wedding ring belonged to my husband. Now, I’m not one for sentimental value, nor do I expect either of you to use this in place of a wedding band of your choosing, but I’d like you to take it for Josh, for when you propose to him. Perhaps as a promise ring, or engagement ring, or whatever the fashion is these days.”

My gaze flew to hers. “Propose?”

“I know it’s been on your mind. JJ’s too. He already introduces you as his husband to practically everyone you meet.”

We both laughed. It was true. Every single time he mentioned it, a warm feeling of belonging spread through me. It was inevitable that it would happen. Marriage wasn’t for everyone, but I knew how important it was to JJ, and it had become just as important to me, too. I wanted to be able to introduce him as my husband for real, to see him wearing my ring, to make vows of forever in front of our family and friends.

Even my business school colleagues called us husbands these days. Five years ago, when the departmental email had gone out, announcing Stuart’s appointment as the next head of the business school, I’d braced myself for a barrage of questions regarding the withdrawal of my application. The vice chancellor had made it clear that I was to be treated exactly the same as any of my other colleagues in a relationship, and I’d been prepared to defend my love for JJ, but I’d expected there to be some issues. JJ was a student, after all, and we were both men.

Despite my concerns, there hadn’t been any real need for defensiveness. JJ had quickly become popular among my peers. He could charm anyone with his sunshine smiles, and my colleagues had not only accepted our relationship, but I’d made real, significant friendships over the past five years. It helped that Stuart was running the business school, too. He understood when I needed time alone, and he never pressured me. Well…other than going behind my back and asking JJ to make sure I showed up at various social events.

I forgave him for his subterfuge, though. Those events were bearable when I had JJ by my side.

Coming back to the present, I swallowed hard, the significance of G’s gesture hitting me. This ring had belonged to the man G always referred to as her one great love, and that meant it was one of her most treasured possessions. “Th-thank you, Glynis. It’s…I don’t know what to say. Thank you. I can’t express just how grateful I am to you for everything.”

“I should be the one thanking you, Killian. Having you as part of the family and knowing that Josh has someone so wonderful to share his life with delights me beyond words. Now, make sure you keep that ring somewhere safe. I want to hear all about the proposal when it’s taken place. Did I ever tell you about the time a certain film star proposed to me at the BAFTAs? Love at first sight, it was. Of course, I turned him down.” She paused, affecting a sad expression. “The poor man was devastated. I felt awful.”

My phone buzzed, reminding me that I had somewhere I needed to be. I didn’t want to leave G, but today was a huge day for JJ, and I needed to be there for him.

“My apologies, Glynis. I hate to cut this short, but I need to leave now if I’m going to be on time for JJ. I’ll look forward to hearing the details of your mystery film star proposal next time.”

“Of course, my dear. I look forward to hearing all about it. Tell him how proud I am of him, and I’ll see you both tomorrow.”

“I will.” Climbing to my feet, I bent to kiss her cheek and, after a final goodbye, left the retirement complex, carefully pocketing the ring.

The first thing I saw when I entered JJ’s dance studio was my future fiancé’s sunshine smile, directed at me. Wrapping him in my arms, I pressed kisses all over his face, still just as obsessed with him as I had been when we’d first got together. He laughed, bringing his hands up to cup my cheeks so he could hold my head still and kiss me properly.

“Right on time. I can’t believe they’re going to be using my choreo in a West End show. The West End, Kill!”

“I never doubted it would happen.” JJ was passionate, dedicated, and so talented. He’d thrown himself into his career, splitting his time between running his very own dance studio with the help of Alyssa and one of his former youth centre students and building a name for himself as a choreographer. Today was the opening night performance of a new West End show, and JJ had choreographed a group dance routine for a pivotal scene in the performance, as well as assisting with the choreography for several other routines. His name was listed in the show’s programme, and I’d managed to get hold of an early copy, signed by the cast and crew, and had it framed for him. I couldn’t wait for him to see it when we got home tonight.

But first, we had a show to attend.

“I know you never doubted. You’ve been my biggest support.” JJ threaded his fingers through mine as we left the studio. “You kept me going, even when I doubted myself.”

“And you kept me going. You still do. Remember how I was in the beginning? My whole life was work. I used to forget to eat.”

“We work well together as a team, don’t we?”

“We do.” Tugging him to a stop at the side of the pavement, I kissed him again. “We balance each other.”

“Perfectly.” His tongue came out, sliding across his lower lip as he gave me a sultry look from beneath his lashes. “And let’s not forget our sexual compatibility.”

I leaned into him, speaking low in his ear. “If you behave yourself, I might give you a reminder of our compatibility when we get home.”

He shivered. “In that case, I’ll be on my very best behaviour, Dr. Everett-Wilder.”

A smile spread across my face. “Everett-Wilder? What about Wilder-Everett?”

With a shrug, he tightened his fingers in mine, resuming our walk. “I suppose we can discuss that when you propose to me. Maybe we’ll toss a coin. Or have an edging contest.”


“What?” Innocently batting his lashes at me, he bit back a grin. “It’s a great idea.”
