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“Oh, it is. Don’t take it any other way.” I stare at her for a few moments, and there’s a glimmer in her eye. One I want to keep seeing. The two of us are bonding through the sex we had, and I didn’t think it would happen, but I’m enjoying it. I’m enjoying every bit of getting to know this woman better.

By the time I’m done, Eset has eaten half of everything in front of her. It looks like she was hungry as well. She rises from the table, taking her cup of coffee as she does so. “I need to go and finish getting ready. I texted you Ruslan’s number. Can you let him know we’ll be there in about forty minutes?”

“I sure can,” I tell my wife, and she walks off back into the bedroom. Only a few moments later, I hear the blow dryer turning on.

I pull out my phone and send Ruslan a text, letting him know exactly what Eset wanted me to tell him. Within a couple of minutes, I have a generic text back from him saying, “okay”.

Time flies by, and Eset comes out of the bedroom in a powerhouse business suit, with thick black heels and a black crossbody bag thrown around her. This woman could’ve been a supermodel, I swear.

“Are you ready?” Eset asks me, and I nod.

“Sure am. Let’s get going,” I say to her, and she comes up by my side, looping her arm through mine, which I find surprising… but I’m not complaining in the slightest. The two of us are getting along more and more, and I don’t think I’m foolish in thinking that we’re growing quite attached to each other. In fact, I think we’re becoming a solid couple, and I’m really starting to believe our marriage will last for years to come.

Eset and I walk past Goran as we head to the elevators, and I know his eyes are pinned on her. The second we’re in the elevators and the doors close, I glance down at her. “What is it, Santos?” Eset cocks a brow, acting a tad bit irritated, but I know it’s only a ruse.

“What is it with him? He’s always staring at you, eye-fucking you. I know you thought I was a bit nuts in the beginning, but you have to see it for what it is.”

Eset shrugs. “He could have a harmless crush, but it doesn’t even matter. I’m a married woman, and that’s that.”

“How can you trust a man to protect you who wants you as his own? Don’t you think there will be other problems that arise in that situation?” What I’m asking here isn’t anything too far-fetched. Goran has proven he’s attached to Eset, and I’m positive he’s not happy about her marriage at all.

“Goran has a job, and he will do his job. Whether he wants me or not is irrelevant because I cannot be his. I’m a married woman now, and my priorities are set in stone. Nothing will ever change that.” The more Eset speaks, the more I’m curious about the situation surrounding the assassination attempt last night. I don’t speak my concerns out loud, but I will bring them up sometime soon.

We leave the Dorchester and head into the attached parking garage, where the car I’ve rented for the next few days is in the parking spot. I unlock the car and settle Eset in first, and then get behind the wheel. Luckily, I have a really good memory, so I remember how to get to Club X’s London location.

We head down the streets, and within twenty minutes, we’re pulling into the parking garage, getting out of the car, walking over to the elevators, and awaiting the elevator doors to open. “Are you nervous?”

“Nervous, no. Anxious for answers, yes,” Eset answers as the elevator doors open, and she steps inside. The key she needed to gain entry to certain floors of this space was placed on our coffee table when we woke up this morning.

She puts the key in the slot and then proceeds to press the buttons like she did the last time. Within a few minutes, we’re heading further down, and then the elevator doors open. We walk out onto the concrete floor and look to the left. The perpetrator is in the very same room where Eset killed Lu. If that isn’t poetic, I don’t know what is.

Ruslan is in the room with the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled up, blood marking his skin, while his brothers stand back, staring at the man whose face is swollen at least two times the size it should be. His eyes are black and blue, and if we’re lucky, the bastard can still speak.

“What have we learned this morning, brothers?” Eset asks as we walk into the room.

“That this pathetic excuse of a man is a pussy,” Nazyr grunts, and Eset laughs.

“He would have to be for shooting someone with their back turned.” Eset goes up to the man who tried to kill her and grabs him by the back of his hair. She yanks on it and speaks clearly as she gets her point across. “Who the fuck sent you to kill me, hmm? I know you’ve had quite a long night, but rest assured, I can make it so much worse. If you think this is as bad as it could’ve gotten, you’re in for a rude awakening.”

The man tries to smile, then spits on my wife. I start to take a step to intervene, but Eset pulls a blade out of her crossbody bag and drags it along his cheeks. “Since you like to smile so much, it’s only fitting I make it permanent,” she snarls, dropping the man’s head.

Lom goes up to her with a rag to wipe her face and clean her up. I give him a nod in thanks, and he offers me one in return. “Has he not said a fucking thing?” Eset questions her brothers, and Nazyr speaks up.

“He spoke of our father briefly.”

Eset raises her brows. “Ah, so this is one of his remaining soldiers?”

“Remaining?” The man cackles through what I can only imagine is immense pain. “There’s an entire army ready to take you all out, one by one.”

“Ah, so he speaks.” Eset crosses her arms and walks closer to him.

“You betrayed your family, and Chechnya won’t stand for it. Anzor was a good leader, and you upset the scales of balance. No one wants your brother as the leader, and those loyal to your father are going to destroy everything that is important to each of you.”

So, this man is loyal to Eset and Nazyr’s father’s cause. They’re loyal to a man who has been dead for a little while now. “Who do you expect to lead if not for the rightful Umarova heirs?” I beg the million-dollar question, and the man looks over at me. Hopefully, Eset’s brothers see that I am loyal to them. I think this is a good testament to my character and that I’ll always support their ventures in tune with my wife’s.

“Someone more fitting, who has been around for many years. Funny that the whore’s husband now finds the courage to speak.”

Eset rears back her heel and kicks him right in the face. Blood splatters across the ground, and the man ends up spitting a tooth out. He coughs a couple of times, but not one of us feels an ounce of remorse for him.
