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“I want nothing more than to put this bastard in the ground,” Nazyr hisses, his fury going through every part of him. It’s practically oozing off him in waves.

“Rest assured, we will, brother.” Ruslan makes his intentions clear, and the man turns to look at him.

“How do you know I’ve said everything I know?”

“Because if you even valued your life for a second, you would be using it to barter with me. But you’re not. Instead, you’re only aggravating my family, which means only one thing—you don’t know shit. You’re a bottom feeder who was given a job by someone higher up who has someone above them. You’re useless to me and to the rest of us.”

“Useless? I’m not useless! I know so much about what’s to come for your family.”

“Oh? Like what?” Ruslan scoffs at the man, making it seem like he doesn’t believe a good portion of what he’s saying… but I’m certain Ruslan is only baiting this pathetic man.

“They’re supporting your mother as your replacement. She was loyal to Anzor until the very end, and she graciously accepted the offer. She’s even told Eset she has cancer as a way to get close to her again, but it’s all a ploy. Your own mother even believes you’re all in the wrong! How does that feel?”

Out of nowhere, a gunshot rings out, and the man falls to the floor. Lom’s holding the gun, looking at the lifeless man’s body. “It feels like we have everything we need to know.”

Chapter Eighteen


“Do you have any sort of identity on this man?” my husband asks out of the blue as my brothers stare down at his dead body.

Lom’s the one who steps forward. “Yes, and it’s… interesting, to say the least.”

“How so?” Santos inquires.

“Guerrero Vargas.”

Santos furrows his brows as if he’s deep in thought.

“Why does that seem familiar to you?” I ask my husband.

“My father has a family who is loyal to him. They’re prominent in Mexico, and their surname is Vargas. I’m wondering if Guerrero is part of their family, and if he is, it only further complicates things.” Sure, the now-dead man said things about loyalty to my father, but could my father’s loyalty go outside of Chechnya? Right about now, I’m thinking so.

“This is a massive clusterfuck,” Nazyr says exactly what I’m thinking.

“Okay, so right now, we know this man has ties to Mexico, and there’s a strong possibility that he’s loyal to Julio. We also know what he said about our mother and the supposed army that’s coming after us.” I’m speaking out loud, going over everything with my family members.

“There’s something else I think your brothers need to know about if they don’t already,” Santos speaks up, raising a brow.

“Ruslan already knows.” I think Santos is talking about me killing Lu, but for all I know, it could be something else. “You are talking about me killing Lu, right?”

“Yes,” Santos confirms.

“What?” Lom is completely baffled, but I guess Ruslan didn’t tell him about that. Nazyr doesn’t seem surprised, but Nazyr knows me a bit better than anyone else.

“I might have had her head sent back to Julio with a note,” I also reveal.

“Of course, you did.” Nazyr’s now chuckling at my antics.

“My father told me at our wedding reception that Lu’s head was delivered to him with a message,” Santos speaks up, and this is the first time I hear in detail about it. “I told him he needed to keep his cool at the wedding. He was frustrated because Alejandro was there, and I could tell he wanted to make a scene, but I told him not at my fucking wedding.”

“Did he seem to think that you knew anything about it?” Ruslan questions Santos.

Santos shrugs his shoulders. “No, I don’t think he did. I think he’s suspicious because I was in London at the same time, but I don’t know if he’ll ever come out and accuse me of knowing something more. He did tell me that our enemies are closer than we thought, watching everything we’re doing. After I told him to keep his cool, he vanished. I got firm with him, and I’ve never gotten that callous with my father before.”

“It’s because you put him in his place. His manhood must’ve taken a hit from that,” I suggest, and everyone’s eyes lock onto mine. “What? Julio is the type of man who enjoys bossing people around, so when Santos stuck up for himself, of course, Julio’s knickers got in a twist.”

“You’re not wrong.” Santos is now chuckling, and I notice the way Lom is looking between my husband and me. I’m sure that he sees we’re bonding and forming something. Last night was so beautiful, something like I’ve seen in romantic paintings. That’s how it felt. He was patient with me and kind. We ended up having sex more than just one time. We actually had it three times, and by the third time, he was a lot different. He was picking up the pace a bit more, acting more primal. I found it attractive, and our sexual connection is further proving to me that I can see myself staying with Santos for the long run. What I mean by that is I see the possibilities are endless with him, especially after his reaction to the gunshot going off. His only concern was my well-being, and that’s the most important thing in a marriage, if you ask me.
