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Her smile makes my heart skip a beat. “Anytime.”

We linger there, with me bent down and her holding my hand. Our eyes bounce back and forth. The energy surrounding us pulses with sexual tension. It’s so strong I can almost taste it.

It takes everything I have to pull away. I stand abruptly and shut her car door. I walk around the front of the vehicle and use the time to pull myself together.

When I slide into the car seat I look over and notice she’s laid her head against the car window. Her eyes are closed, and her body is relaxed.

“You falling asleep on me?” I ask softly.

“No, just resting my eyes, big man.”

I chuckle as I put the car into drive and pull out of the club parking lot. We are both exhausted so I wouldn’t blame her if she wanted to sleep for the car ride back to the hotel.

“Sleep, cupcake. I’ve got you.”

Her head rolls to the side and she opens her eyes to look at me. I take my eyes off the road for one brief second and the look on her face has my heart pounding.

Her expression is earnest, open and trusting. The connection feels immense and heavy. I can’t explain it, but it feels like we are tip toeing past the line I’ve tried so hard to firmly draw.

But every day that I spend with her, every conversation we have, has me pushing that line further and further away.

“I know you do.”

Chapter 15


I squeeze my eyes closed, trying to force my brain to stop replaying the time SJ and I spent on the dance floor together last night. It shocked me when his hands landed on my hips. Shocked me, but also turned me on to no end.

I could tell he was nervous by how stiff his hips were. When I slid my hands over them, I thought it might help loosen him up, but it seemed to only make it worse.

Then that almost kiss in the car. Oh, hot damn. It was everything, until it wasn’t. He pulled back so fast he almost slammed his head into the car door in his haste.

I cover my mouth to hide my giggle after thinking about his reaction. I hear him come through the adjoining door, and I try to stifle my laugh. If I don’t laugh, I might cry from how wet I was last night only to come back to the hotel and die a slow, painful, lonely death in my bed.

“Good morning.” His deep voice washes over me.

I’m still in my pajamas, and I turn to find him fully dressed, holding two cups of coffee. He extends one to me. After the shots last night, I could use a good pick me up. It’s like he read my mind.

“Thank you.” I take the cup and blow on the lid before taking a small sip.

“What’s funny?” he asks, eyeing me curiously.

“Mmm, nothing. The coffee is great, thank you.”

He doesn’t take that as an answer.

“You giggled as I walked in.” He studies me as he sips his coffee, his face unreadable.

“Oh, that? It was nothing.” I offer a smile, hoping he drops it. I don’t want him to know I’ve been thinking about last night all morning.

His phone rings, thankfully, so I excuse myself.

“You should grab that. I’m going to shower and get dressed.” I don’t wait for him to respond. I hastily grab some clothes from the small dresser and head straight into the bathroom, coffee still in hand.

I hear the murmur of his deep voice through the door, but it sounds like he’s moving away from the bathroom. It’s probably nothing.

I turn the shower on while I undress. Once the water is warm, I step under it and let it wash the club from last night off my skin. I sigh at how good it feels.
