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It's amazing how a person can be part of the same family and feel like they've got nothing in common with any of them.

Every last person in the Bianucci Clan all want the same exact thing. Power.

I could care less about that. All I want is purpose. Something my father, the don of the Bianucci Mafia believes I'll never have. He may not have exiled me but it's no secret that I'm the least favorite of all his children. He thinks I'm wasting my talent. A talent that he puts to good use as often as he can.

"What the hell are you thinking about now?" Giancarlo snaps in my face twice before he swings a cup from side to side in front of me.

"Nothing." I reply snatching the drink out of his hand and quickly taking a large sip.

"Bullshit. You've said barely two fucking words since you've gotten here. If you didn't want to come, you could've just said that." My brother leans back against his chair but continues to stare at me.

"You and I both know that isn't as easy as you make it sound. If I didn't show up, Babbo would've had a lot to say about it. I'd rather not have to deal with his form of bullshit today."

"Yeah, nice to know that spending some time with your family is on your list of a form of bullshit." Giancarlo downs his drink and gets to his feet leaving me sitting on the couch. I keep my eyes glued on his back and watch as he makes his way over to his woman. Rosie Valli has been his girlfriend since they were in high school together. They broke up for a few years when my brother went through his whore years but they eventually found their way back to each other. It's been a while. I'm surprised he hasn't asked father to let him marry her yet.

Rosie is a sweet woman. Definitely not someone who should be around the world that we're in. She doesn't ask many questions, her ability to stay in a world of denial is uncanny.

I watch as Giancarlo says something to Rosie, her eyes dart to me and the smile on her face falters. An expression of disappointment takes its place. I'm sure she worked hard to have this dinner come together. The least I can do is pretend that I give a fuck about it. I spend so much time traveling the country, hunting down hits, I barely know how to interact with my family anymore.

In fact, the last time I tried to help out my family in any way I lost a piece of myself. Absent-mindedly, I reach up to the scar on my neck. The burn my father gave me for helping Xander with his test. I hid him out in one of my safe houses while he and Melisande got their shit together. Babbo decided that was enough to use me as an example for the rest of the family and those outside the family who might just need to know how Alexandre Bianucci Sr. runs things.

Since then, I've been doing what I can to put some distance between myself and my family. I wasn't in the same race as the rest of them. I don't want the power all of them seek.

Downing the rest of the drink, I push myself up from the couch and walk over to the kitchen where Rosie and my sister Christine are busy preparing the food. Time for me to put on a show.

"What you ladies making? It smells wonderful." I lean against the counter and smile softly at Rosie. I don't mean to hurt her feelings.

"Ah, well, nothing much. Chicken parm, sausage and peppers, lasagna, antipasti, and a few odds and ends." Rosie shrugged.

"Wow, who are you trying to feed? The Jets?" looking at the spread of food they've already got out on the table and it looks like they really could feed an entire football team.

Her smile gets wider and my sister shakes her head at my attempt at charm. I'm rusty but I still can get the job done.

"Babbo just pulled up. Giancarlo pokes his head into the kitchen to warn us. So far, only Christine, Giancarlo, and my other brother Diego are the only ones here. Romeo is off visiting our other sister and is the only one exempt from the dinner.

The group of us huddle up in the living room to wait for our father to enter. He doesn't want to have to search for us. It's a respect thing for him. We wait on him and not the other way around. Babbo opens the door and behind him I see the last members of the Bianucci family. Xander and Melisande come up behind. They must have driven here together.

"Famiglia, I'm happy to see all of you." Babbo says and puts his hand out for Giancarlo to kiss. My brother quickly bows his head and kisses the ring on my fathers hand. Diego goes next followed by myself and my older sister. The only one who doesn't is Rosie as she's not officially part of the family. I'm sure it hurts her feelings but she doesn't let it show. Instead of dwelling on it, Rosie jumps right back into hostess mode. She flits around taking everyone's jacket and telling everyone to get comfortable in the living room.

"Get comfortable. It's impossible." Mel grumbles as she rubs her stomach and waddles over to the low couch. She's nearly full term and her belly is large.

"How you holding up little brother?" I nod my head at Xander who carefully helps his wife down to the couch.

"I'm good, just ready for this little one to get here."

"Don't rush it." Diego says from his seat.

"No rush, just excited. If anyone should be rushing it's you." Xander scoffs and laughs at his older brother.

"Fuck that. I'm not trying to have any little demons any time soon. Too many women left for me to think about settling down." Diego waggled his eyebrows and Christine makes a disgusting sound.

"Your little dick is going to fall off. You've got no standards."

"Standards, when it comes to getting a nut? No. I don't as long as she's a grown woman, anyone can get a ride."
