Page 72 of Endless Hope

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Lori’s gaze dropped to our joined hands as she crossed the room to hug Talon and then me. “I’m so glad you could make it.”

The words got stuck in my throat. I wasn’t expecting such a warm greeting. Not when I’d hurt her son in the past.

“What did you bring?” Lori asked as Marley moved to her side.

“I was experimenting with new shapes on the kiln and came up with this.” I carefully unwrapped the heart and was surprised to see that Talon had put a hole in the top so that it could hang.

“I thought it would look great hanging in your window,” Talon said, pulling wire from his pocket, tying it around the hole, and moving to the kitchen to hang it above her sink.

“That’s adorable. Did you make more of them?” Marley asked.

I shook my head. “That was my only one.”

“I figured you could make more,” Talon said to me.

“Those are perfect for Valentine’s Day, which will be here before we know it,” Lori said, admiring it in the window.

“Speaking of Valentine’s Day, we wanted to discuss the wedding,” Knox said as he pulled Sarah to him.

“I want you to have the day you’ve always dreamed of,” Lori said as she hugged Sarah and Knox.

“I figured you wouldn’t mind if we gave your first heart to my mom,” Talon said.

“I already gave my heart to you,” I said to him, and his expression softened as he dropped his lips to mine. “You’re sweet.”

I shrugged. “Like you said, I can always make more.”

When Talon lifted his head, Knox and Sarah stood in front of us with knowing smiles on their faces. “We’d love it if you could make more of the hearts. Maybe a little smaller and we could use them as decorations, either on the tables or attached to the chairs. We haven’t decided. But I know they’ll be perfect.”

“Are you serious?” I never thought about my creations being used in weddings as favors.

Sarah nodded. “They’re beautiful and perfect for a Valentine’s Day wedding.”

“I’d love to make them for you.”

Sarah hugged me. “Thank you.”

“I’m so happy for you two.” I wanted what they had. It seemed so easy and effortless.

Knox clasped Talon’s shoulder. “I’d like you to stand up with me at the wedding.”

“Am I the first one you asked?” Talon asked, wiggling his brows at his other brothers.

“I’m asking all my brothers to stand up for me.”

“I’m happy to be there for you.” They hugged, slapping each other’s backs. The Monroe family had always been important to me, and it was nice to see Knox get married.

Marley appeared at my side. “I’m excited about what you’re making with the kiln. We could do so many different things with the hearts. You could create little dishes for rings, a paperweight, or a light catcher. And you can do different colors.”

“All variations. The glass is fun to play with.”

“Am I right that no two are the same?”

“The way the glass is formed, it would be impossible to replicate any one of the designs.”

Marley held her hand up in the air. “I can see it now. One-of-a-kind creations. A tagline for your products.”

“I like the sound of that,” I said as she pulled me away from Talon.
