Page 98 of Endless Hope

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“The conservatory.” I led her down the path, and the large stone building came into view.

“I remember that building from when I was here as a kid.”

“I read that they’ve renovated a bit since the last time you were here.” There was still ongoing construction outside of the conservatory. Inside, it was warm and filled with holiday greenery and decorations.

I carried both of our jackets and was content to follow behind as Holly took pictures. There were families, with the kids dressed up and the parents trying to pose them for the picture. I wondered if we’d come back someday with our kids and if we’d be as stressed about getting the perfect image, too.

If we had kids together, it was likely they’d be artistic. If not, that would be okay, too. But I was worried that Holly was so devastated over the miscarriage she wouldn’t want to try again.

We explored every room and hallway, admiring the detail in the decorations.

“I can’t imagine how long it takes to set this up,” I said when we were in the desert room filled with light and rocks. Kids were climbing on the rocks. But it was a little more open in this room with the wall-to-wall windows.

“Or the hours they spent just drawing their ideas before making it a reality,” Holly said with a smile.

It was nice to share this with her. Once we were done in the conservatory, we stopped by one of the tents for pizza and hot chocolate.

“This really is the perfect day,” Holly said as she bit into her pizza.

“Even though it’s drizzling?”

Holly looked out the window. “Snow would be cool, but this is fine, too. As long as I’m with you.”

I couldn’t stop myself from kissing her. “You taste like pizza.”

Holly’s eyes were bright as she laughed. “So do you.”

“We’ll have to get some gingerbread cookies for dessert.”

When we’d eaten, we threw out our garbage and carried our refilled hot chocolate cups to the train garden, then past the tree house where kids were hanging on the railing of the deck, dropping leaves down to the ground.

I paused at a path that went off into the trees right before a white house came into view. “That’s the original house, but I’d like to see something else first.”

“This is your trip. We can do whatever we want.”

We held hands as we walked down the path. There were fewer people here because there wasn’t a building to see.

“What’s in this direction?”

“It’s the lake. I know they put lights under the water, and I wanted to see if I could figure out what I’m doing wrong.”

“You don’t have a team of engineers helping you,” Holly pointed out.

“True. But I’m confident I can do the same thing at the farm.”

Holly swung our joined hands. “That’s what I love about you. If you don’t know the answer, you’re determined to figure it out. Although it’s usually on your own.”

“What are you saying?”

“Maybe you could ask your brothers to help. Your brothers want to spend time with you. They want to help you.”

“You think so?” I asked, wondering if Holly saw something I hadn’t.

“I think they’d like it. And maybe they’d stay out of your personal life.”

“Somehow I doubt that. They’re a nosy bunch, especially now that they’re tied down.”

Holly laughed. “Ask them if they’ll help and see what they say.”
