Page 40 of Fiona's Fury

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I awaken with a lustful moan, only able to comprehend the man I’m lying next to. Seconds later, I look at the clock and panic. It’s seven thirty and the early programs are already beginning. Oh well…none of it is all that important in light of what happened to me last night.

When I lean over and attempt to plant a gentle kiss on Bo’s lips without waking him, he springs to life and grabs my shoulders…sending me into a laughing frenzy.

“You scared me!” I slap his chest playfully and try to force myself away, but it’s to no avail.

“Just where do you think you’re goin?” he asks, pulling me in for his juicy kiss.

“I’m going to breakfast, and meetings, and lectures, and programs, and…to find Maxine.”

“Well you’re no fun at all, are you?” he jokes.

“Just because I’m a responsible adult doesn’t mean I’m no fun,” I say, running my hands down his torso.

As soon as Bo loses his guard, I roll away and bounce off the bed. He bolts after me and throws me over his shoulder. Laughing like I haven’t in too many years to remember, I kick my feet and pound on his back until he releases me.

“Alright woman. See you at breakfast?”

“Yes,” I reply, and we kiss once more before I gather up my clothing.

I scroll through messages of all sorts as I book it toward my room. Maybe Maxine’s sleeping in and I can sneak in without her knowing I was gone. I slip my key into the door and open it slowly and quietly…to find Maxine standing ready to go.

“Good morning!” she calls out like this is a perfectly normal situation.

I look straight ahead and keep moving till I’ve slammed my bedroom door behind me. I’m sorry that I cannot deal with her energy level right now. I have no earthly idea how I’m going to sit through a morning of lectures with Bo on the brain. Tomorrow I have to deal with Quade again, and I just cannot be a friend to everybody all the time all at once. I don’t even have time for a shower.

Quickly, I throw on a cute leopard-print outfit and a little makeup, then dash out with Maxine trailing behind me. Immediately my phone lights up with a text from Bo.

These will be in good hands til they’re back in your beautiful ears.

It includes a photo of the dangly pearl earrings I forgot on his nightstand. I text him back as Maxine and I step into the elevator.

good hands indeed…

I’m smiling to myself as we saunter into the dining hall. Bo and I quickly locate each other and begin closing the distance between us. When we meet next to a half empty table, he hands me the earrings and bends to kiss me…but I turn just in time for it to land on my cheek. I don’t think I could give him a friendly-family-sitcom kiss right now, and I’m not ready to make out in front of everyone, so I have to exert a little distance. But the look in his eyes is telling. We get through breakfast with good humor before going separate ways, each of us needing to attend different meetings.

“How about the rooftop bistro for lunch today? My treat,” Bo asks both of us as we’re about to part.

“That sounds wonderful,” I tell him, Maxine nodding her head graciously.

After a two-hour Advanced Bouquet Design class, I fish through the crowd during the networking break. This is certainly the largest turnout I’ve ever seen at the conference; I hardly recognize a soul here. I can’t help that I keep scanning the room for Bo, even though I doubt he’ll come to this and we’d be wasting each other’s time anyway. Eventually everyone disperses to their next classes, and I head off to a Flower Trends Forecast session to see what the upcoming year will demand of our inventory.

Arriving a few minutes early, I sit in the middle of the fourth row so I’ll be front-and-center enough to help me focus. But all I can really see or hear is a running image of Bo…and the things we did last night.

As I settle in and set down my purse, I see Maxine filing into the second row. Isn’t she the go-getter. I didn’t know she was planning to sit through this one, but I’m relieved she is. Design trending is a highly important topic that I’m afraid I don’t have the brain-space for today.

An hour later, I rise to catch Maxine as she files out behind the rest of the attendees. “Hey Max. Excited for tonight?” I ask as we shuffle away and head toward the bistro.

“Yes! I’m trying not to set myself up for disappointment, but I feel pretty confident about at least placing. Basically, my intuition is allowing me to feel excited…so there must be good reason for that.”

“I’m behind you all the way, kiddo.” I tell her with a pat on the back. I think she has a fine intuition.

We make our way to the roof to discover a spectacular bistro. Bo’s already saved us a lounge area next to the tall glass panes that separate us from the abyss. Looking down, we have a view of the pool with all of its palm trees and loveliness. He kisses me on the cheek again as we gather into our upholstered chairs.

“Bo, thank you for taking us out. This place is even nicer than I’d imagined,” I say with a fawning tone. Everything about Big Bo just melts me to my core.

“The pleasure is all mine,” he assures me with a breathtaking smile.
