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“Umm… yeah.”

“Do you know how worried sick I was about you last night?” He dropped his arms and placed his hands on his waist. “After we argued, I came home to apologize and you were gone. I tried calling you so many times and you didn’t answer. I almost called the police!”

“Wait. What?”

“Yup. All sorts of thoughts ran through my mind especially with that psycho ex of yours still running around.”

“Oh.” He’d been worried about me? Guilt gnawed at my stomach. “I’m sorry. I got side tracked.”

His gaze shifted to my feet and back up to my face. “I’d say you got more than a little side tracked. You wanted it that badly, you ran out of the house without dressing properly?” He gasped and placed a hand on his chest. “I, for one, am shocked by you, Scottie.”

My face burned. “Nothing happened!”

“Yeah, right. Is that why your PJs are inside out?”

I glanced down at the bottom half of my PJs. Oh crap bucket. He was right.

“Despite what it looks like, I’m serious, Jay. Nothing happened.”

What in the jumping Jacks was wrong with both father and son? Didn’t they understand what the phrase “nothing happened” meant? Had I slept with Griff would I still be walking in a straight line right now with my two legs together?

I had felt him against me. If we’d slept together I’d still be feeling him up in my holy grail.

“I hope it was at least good.”

“You said you had no interest in my sex life.” I brushed past him. “Why the concern this morning?”

“Because I’m the one always doing the walk of shame, but look at you strut your stuff, you slut.”


His laughter followed me as I ran for the stairs, away from his teasing when I was already feeling so vulnerable about what I’d done.

“Before you make up for the lack of sleep!” Jay yelled after me. “I’ll make us breakfast. Come back down and have it with me.”

“I need to shower first.”

“Soap and water can’t wash away what you did last night, Scott.”

Ugh, why did he have to be right? I ducked into my room, slammed the door shut, and collapsed onto my unmade bed. The sheet was half on the floor from where I’d flung it last night when Griff had called me. I never should have stayed in his bed last night. Despite his threat to follow me home, I should have walked back down the stairs and gotten into my car.

I grabbed the pillow and clutched it to my chest with my eyes tightly shut, but it was no good. Griff’s handsome face appeared, his eyes slanted and seductive as he told me to touch myself. He’d wound me up like a toy and I’d done exactly what he wanted. Did I miss being told what to do so much that I would take orders from a random man I wasn’t even in a relationship with?

Hookups were never my thing since I wanted commitment from the man who got me in his bed. Griff’s attraction to me meant nothing. Why, I’d dated a guy a few times before he tried putting me in a dress, which I wasn’t opposed to, but only when I felt like it. When I’d dug the truth out of him, I almost wished I hadn’t. He’d shown me a photograph of his ex-girlfriend, and I resembled her. He was only attracted to me because he wanted to turn me into her.

I groaned and rolled off the bed. My dating history could end up being a two hour Netflix Special. How to Not Find a Decent Boyfriend.

I stripped off my shirt and threw it onto the bed. My pants were halfway down my legs when I stilled. Oh no. Oh no no no no. Where was my thong? I’d been in such a haste to run away that I hadn’t bothered to put it on. How could I deny what had happened earlier now? Griff had evidence that I’d stripped my underwear off for him and masturbated while he watched?

How could I get it back?

Maybe I could send him a message.

Phone. Where was my phone? Was it in the car? I yanked on my robe and clattered down the stairs. The delicious scent of bacon and eggs filled the air, making my tummy grumble. My phone was nowhere in the car. I lifted up the seats, looked in the cup holders, even checked places where a phone could not fit.

“Son of a… baker.”

I’d left my phone at Griff’s place too. I slammed the car door shut and dusted my hands together.
