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I wait in anticipation all weekend.

I’ve never been so excited and giddy to see someone, ever. We text occasionally, but I try not to be a bother since I know he is caring for his sick grandmother. He doesn’t need to be distracted.

I try to space out my homework over both days to stay busy, but of course, I get all of it done on Saturday.

I go shopping on Sunday morning with Ana for some groceries. On the way home, we decide to stop to get our nails done, something we haven’t done together in a long time. Ana and I have both been busy with our school and work schedules, so it’s been a while since we’ve intentionally hung out outside of our apartment and the car rides to school. She worked all day yesterday and I was in bed when she got home.

“So…you and Decker are…dating now?” She asks inquisitively while the nail technician paints her nails a deep red. I pick a light gray, knowing the color will match with more of my outfits.

“Ana, I told you.” I sigh. “I don’t know what we are… or what he even wants us to be.” She keeps looking at me, waiting for more. “All I know is that I like him. So much. Way too much, and way too quickly. And that’s kind of scary,” I admit.

Ana nods her head, understanding. “I can imagine, amor.”

“It feels like…he’s always been there. And yes, I know he technically has. But now I just feel like I really know him,” I say, realizing I must not be making much sense.

“I get that,” She says sincerely. “I know that you’ve been in denial for years over your…whatever…with him. But you two have always had this intensity. Those intense feelings were just misplaced with hate instead of love.”

I choke. “Oh God, please don’t say love. Especially around him. You’re going to scare him away.”

“Maddie, please. That poor guy isn’t going anywhere. You’ve got your hooks in deep. You always have,” She consoles me. I sigh again, dramatically.

“I’ve never felt like this, An. Since the moment he walked away on Friday, I’ve felt so empty,” I admit. She looks at me seriously. “My chest…literally feels tight. Like I can’t get a full breath in.”

She stares at me with wide eyes. “Damn, girl. You’re in deep.”

“You have no idea.”

Elliot texted me that he was leaving Penbrooke 45 minutes ago, so that should mean that he will be here any minute. I told him I wanted to cook us dinner and to come right over. I have the lasagna in the oven, a salad in a large bowl covered in the fridge, and breadsticks ready to be warmed up. I am pacing the area in front of the front door, heart racing.

What if the time away from me made him realize how quickly this is moving? What if he changed his mind? I’m not sure I can take it if he tells me this isn’t working for him.

“Calm down. Stop pacing,” Ana calls from the couch, looking down at her phone.

“I can’t, An. I can’t stop. I’m so nervous.” I straighten my shirt and quickly finger comb my hair. I left it down and curled it in loose waves and decided to keep it simple with a long sleeve lilac colored shirt and dark wash jeans. I have fuzzy socks on, so that makes me feel like I’m not too overdressed. Despite Ana’s warning, I keep pacing.

“Pollito, stop! You’re stressing me out!” She says just as someone knocks on the door. I freeze and stare at the door unmoving.

Another knock comes.

“Open the door, Madeline,” Ana says slowly, like I can’t understand her. I glare at her.

I take a deep breath and open the door. I feel all the air whoosh back into my lungs and my heart fills with excitement. He is standing there in dark jeans, his well-worn boots, a gray hoodie, and a black jacket over top. He looks beautiful. Effortlessly beautiful. As always. I smile. His expression looks nervous, but expectant. It looks like he is feeling the way I am feeling, not sure what to say or how to act.

“Hi,” I say quietly. I try to be calm and collected, but I can’t stop smiling.

“Hi.” He smiles and before I know it, I close the short distance between us and jump up to hug him around his neck. He puts his arms around my back and picks me up, holding me tightly to him.

“I missed you,” I say as I bury my head into his neck, breathing in his scent. He smells clean, fresh, and manly all at the same time.

“Good. I missed you too. I was worried I made it all up in my head,” He murmurs into my hair and I pull away to look at him.

“Oh my gosh I did too. I thought it was too good to be true and you were going to come over here and tell me that this was too much for you or something,” I ramble and he laughs quietly.

“Never. You’re not too much. You’re perfect. I’m in this,” He says seriously. I smile and smash my lips to his without a second thought. He kisses me back sweetly but hungrily, like he is telling me how much he missed me through this kiss.
