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“I’m going to need to go shopping,” Angie said. “I need some sheets, blankets, and other things. I brought toiletries with me.”

“There’s a great shopping center a couple of blocks away. It would be easy to walk to, although you would probably need to get a car to drive you back if you buy a lot,” Carolyn said. “I have the day off if you want me to take you.”

“That would be very sweet. I appreciate it,” Angie said.

They went to the shops and Angie bought a ton of things for the apartment. Apollo walked very politely next to Angie. No one looked twice at the fact that there was a dog in the shops.

When Angie mentioned that to Carolyn, she said, “People go into places in their animal forms all the time. Everyone here probably just thinks that he is an adorable shifter.”

After a couple of hours, they were back in Angie’s apartment. Carolyn helped her make the bed and put everything away.

“Am I keeping you from doing something?” Angie asked.


While they ate the pizza Angie ordered, Angie said, “Tell me about the pack.”

“They are mostly good folks,” Carolyn said. “I guess they’re just like everyone else. They get up, go to work, go home, hang out with their family and friends, go to bed, and do it all over again the next day. There are some great people, okay people, and well… people who have issues.”

“That’s a nice way to put it. You have the good, the bad, the ugly, and in between,” Angie said.


“What do you do when you aren’t working?” Angie asked.

Carolyn shrugged and said, “I read a lot. I crochet, do beadwork, or embroider, and watch true crime shows. I like to go hiking.”

“Do you ever go bowling, to the movies, or anything like that?”

She shook her head and said, “I’m not much for going out.”

“Why not?”

Carolyn hesitated for a minute and said, “I don’t like going out alone.”

“What about your friends?”

She was quiet for a second. Her face turned red and she bit her bottom lip. Pushing her black-rimmed glasses up, she sighed and said, “I don’t really have a lot of friends. I’ve never been popular, so I just entertain myself.”

“You could go out and meet people,” Angie said.

“I don’t really like to. I…” She waved her hands around her body and face.

A realization dawned on Angie. “You don’t like the way you look.”

Carolyn shook her head.

Angie knew from working with people that a person’s self-confidence was often tied to their physical appearance. This was something she could help with.

“Okay then. Let’s help you feel better about yourself.”

Carolyn wrinkled her nose and cocked her head, confused.

“I need you to drive me to the nearest hair salon,” Angie said.


“You’ll see.”
